Class Ole10Native

  • public class Ole10Native
    extends Object
    Represents an Ole10Native record which is wrapped around certain binary files being embedded in OLE2 documents.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Ole10Native

        public Ole10Native​(String label,
                           String filename,
                           String command,
                           byte[] data)
        Creates an instance and fills the fields based on ... the fields
      • Ole10Native

        public Ole10Native​(byte[] data,
                           int offset)
                    throws Ole10NativeException
        Creates an instance and fills the fields based on the data in the given buffer.
        data - The buffer containing the Ole10Native record
        offset - The start offset of the record in the buffer
        Ole10NativeException - on invalid or unexcepted data format
    • Method Detail

      • createFromEmbeddedOleObject

        public static Ole10Native createFromEmbeddedOleObject​(POIFSFileSystem poifs)
                                                       throws IOException,
        Creates an instance of this class from an embedded OLE Object. The OLE Object is expected to include a stream "{01}Ole10Native" which contains the actual data relevant for this class.
        poifs - POI Filesystem object
        Returns an instance of this class
        IOException - on IO error
        Ole10NativeException - on invalid or unexcepted data format
      • createFromEmbeddedOleObject

        public static Ole10Native createFromEmbeddedOleObject​(DirectoryNode directory)
                                                       throws IOException,
        Creates an instance of this class from an embedded OLE Object. The OLE Object is expected to include a stream "{01}Ole10Native" which contains the actual data relevant for this class.
        directory - POI Filesystem object
        Returns an instance of this class
        IOException - on IO error
        Ole10NativeException - on invalid or unexcepted data format
      • createOleMarkerEntry

        public static void createOleMarkerEntry​(DirectoryEntry parent)
                                         throws IOException
        Add the \1OLE marker entry, which is not the Ole10Native entry. Beside this "Ole" record there were several other records, e.g. CompObj, OlePresXXX, but it seems, that they aren't necessary
      • createOleMarkerEntry

        public static void createOleMarkerEntry​(POIFSFileSystem poifs)
                                         throws IOException
        Add the \1OLE marker entry, which is not the Ole10Native entry. Beside this "Ole" record there were several other records, e.g. CompObj, OlePresXXX, but it seems, that they aren't necessary
      • getTotalSize

        public int getTotalSize()
        Returns the value of the totalSize field - the total length of the structure is totalSize + 4 (value of this field + size of this field).
        the totalSize
      • getFlags1

        public short getFlags1()
        Returns flags1 - currently unknown - usually 0x0002.
        the flags1
      • getLabel

        public String getLabel()
        Returns the label field - usually the name of the file (without directory) but probably may be any name specified during packaging/embedding the data.
        the label
      • getFileName

        public String getFileName()
        Returns the fileName field - usually the name of the file being embedded including the full path.
        the fileName
      • getFlags2

        public short getFlags2()
        Returns flags2 - currently unknown - mostly 0x0000.
        the flags2
      • getUnknown1

        public short getUnknown1()
        Returns unknown1 field - currently unknown.
        the unknown1
      • getCommand

        public String getCommand()
        Returns the command field - usually the name of the file being embedded including the full path, may be a command specified during embedding the file.
        the command
      • getDataSize

        public int getDataSize()
        Returns the size of the embedded file. If the size is 0 (zero), no data has been embedded. To be sure, that no data has been embedded, check whether getDataBuffer() returns null.
        the dataSize
      • getDataBuffer

        public byte[] getDataBuffer()
        Returns the buffer containing the embedded file's data, or null if no data was embedded. Note that an embedding may provide information about the data, but the actual data is not included. (So label, filename etc. are available, but this method returns null.)
        the dataBuffer
      • getFlags3

        public short getFlags3()
        Returns the flags3 - currently unknown.
        the flags3
      • writeOut

        public void writeOut​(OutputStream out)
                      throws IOException
        Have the contents printer out into an OutputStream, used when writing a file back out to disk (Normally, atom classes will keep their bytes around, but non atom classes will just request the bytes from their children, then chuck on their header and return)
      • setFlags1

        public void setFlags1​(short flags1)
      • setFlags2

        public void setFlags2​(short flags2)
      • setFlags3

        public void setFlags3​(short flags3)
      • setLabel

        public void setLabel​(String label)
      • setFileName

        public void setFileName​(String fileName)
      • setCommand

        public void setCommand​(String command)
      • setUnknown1

        public void setUnknown1​(short unknown1)
      • setDataBuffer

        public void setDataBuffer​(byte[] dataBuffer)