Class BATBlock

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class BATBlock
    extends Object
    implements BlockWritable
    A block of block allocation table entries. BATBlocks are created only through a static factory method: createBATBlocks.
    • Method Detail

      • createBATBlock

        public static BATBlock createBATBlock​(POIFSBigBlockSize bigBlockSize,
                                              ByteBuffer data)
        Create a single BATBlock from the byte buffer, which must hold at least one big block of data to be read.
      • createEmptyBATBlock

        public static BATBlock createEmptyBATBlock​(POIFSBigBlockSize bigBlockSize,
                                                   boolean isXBAT)
        Creates a single BATBlock, with all the values set to empty.
      • calculateMaximumSize

        public static long calculateMaximumSize​(POIFSBigBlockSize bigBlockSize,
                                                int numBATs)
        Calculates the maximum size of a file which is addressable given the number of FAT (BAT) sectors specified. (We don't care if those BAT blocks come from the 109 in the header, or from header + XBATS, it won't affect the calculation) The actual file size will be between [size of fatCount-1 blocks] and [size of fatCount blocks]. For 512 byte block sizes, this means we may over-estimate by up to 65kb. For 4096 byte block sizes, this means we may over-estimate by up to 4mb
      • calculateMaximumSize

        public static long calculateMaximumSize​(HeaderBlock header)
      • getBATBlockAndIndex

        public static BATBlock.BATBlockAndIndex getBATBlockAndIndex​(int offset,
                                                                    HeaderBlock header,
                                                                    List<BATBlock> bats)
        Returns the BATBlock that handles the specified offset, and the relative index within it. The List of BATBlocks must be in sequential order
      • getSBATBlockAndIndex

        public static BATBlock.BATBlockAndIndex getSBATBlockAndIndex​(int offset,
                                                                     HeaderBlock header,
                                                                     List<BATBlock> sbats)
        Returns the BATBlock that handles the specified offset, and the relative index within it, for the mini stream. The List of BATBlocks must be in sequential order
      • hasFreeSectors

        public boolean hasFreeSectors()
        Does this BATBlock have any free sectors in it, or is it full?
      • getUsedSectors

        public int getUsedSectors​(boolean isAnXBAT)
        How many sectors in this block are taken? Note that calling hasFreeSectors() is much quicker
      • getValueAt

        public int getValueAt​(int relativeOffset)
      • setValueAt

        public void setValueAt​(int relativeOffset,
                               int value)
      • setOurBlockIndex

        public void setOurBlockIndex​(int index)
        Record where in the file we live
      • getOurBlockIndex

        public int getOurBlockIndex()
        Retrieve where in the file we live
      • writeBlocks

        public void writeBlocks​(OutputStream stream)
                         throws IOException
        Write the block's data to an OutputStream
        Specified by:
        writeBlocks in interface BlockWritable
        stream - the OutputStream to which the stored data should be written
        IOException - on problems writing to the specified stream
      • writeData

        public void writeData​(ByteBuffer block)