Class CellFormatCondition

  • public abstract class CellFormatCondition
    extends Object
    This object represents a condition in a cell format.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CellFormatCondition

        public CellFormatCondition()
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static CellFormatCondition getInstance​(String opString,
                                                      String constStr)
        Returns an instance of a condition object.
        opString - The operator as a string. One of "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "=", "==", "!=", or "<>".
        constStr - The constant (such as "12").
        A condition object for the given condition.
      • pass

        public abstract boolean pass​(double value)
        Returns true if the given value passes the constraint's test.
        value - The value to compare against.
        true if the given value passes the constraint's test.