Class Count

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class Count
    extends Object
    implements Function
    Counts the number of cells that contain numeric data within the list of arguments. Excel Syntax COUNT(value1,value2,...) Value1, value2, ... are 1 to 30 arguments representing the values or ranges to be counted. TODO: Check this properly matches excel on edge cases like formula cells, error cells etc
    • Constructor Detail

      • Count

        public Count()
    • Method Detail

      • evaluate

        public ValueEval evaluate​(ValueEval[] args,
                                  int srcCellRow,
                                  int srcCellCol)
        Specified by:
        evaluate in interface Function
        args - the evaluated function arguments. Empty values are represented with BlankEval or MissingArgEval, never null.
        srcCellRow - row index of the cell containing the formula under evaluation
        srcCellCol - column index of the cell containing the formula under evaluation
        The evaluated result, possibly an ErrorEval, never null. Note - Excel uses the error code #NUM! instead of IEEE NaN, so when numeric functions evaluate to Double.NaN be sure to translate the result to ErrorEval.NUM_ERROR.
      • subtotalInstance

        public static Count subtotalInstance()
        Create an instance of Count to use in Subtotal

        If there are other subtotals within argument refs (or nested subtotals), these nested subtotals are ignored to avoid double counting.

        See Also: