Class ExcelNumberFormat

  • public class ExcelNumberFormat
    extends Object
    Object to hold a number format index and string, for various formatting evaluations
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExcelNumberFormat

        public ExcelNumberFormat​(int idx,
                                 String format)
        Use this carefully, prefer factory methods to ensure id/format relationships are not broken or confused. Left public so ConditionalFormattingRule.getNumberFormat() implementations can use it.
        idx - Excel number format index, either a built-in or a higher custom # mapped in the workbook style table
        format - Excel number format string for the index
    • Method Detail

      • from

        public static ExcelNumberFormat from​(CellStyle style)
        style -
        null if the style is null, instance from style data format values otherwise
      • from

        public static ExcelNumberFormat from​(Cell cell,
                                             ConditionalFormattingEvaluator cfEvaluator)
        cell - cell to extract format from
        cfEvaluator - ConditionalFormattingEvaluator to use, or null if none in this context
        number format from highest-priority rule with a number format, or the cell style, or null if none of the above apply/are defined
      • getIdx

        public int getIdx()
        Excel number format index, either a built-in or a higher custom # mapped in the workbook style table
      • getFormat

        public String getFormat()
        Excel number format string for the index