Class PropertyTemplate

  • public final class PropertyTemplate
    extends Object

    A PropertyTemplate is a template that can be applied to any sheet in a project. It contains all the border type and color attributes needed to draw all the borders for a single sheet. That template can be applied to any sheet in any workbook. This class requires the full spreadsheet to be in memory, so SXSSFWorkbook Spreadsheets are not supported. The same PropertyTemplate can, however, be applied to both HSSFWorkbook and XSSFWorkbook objects if necessary. Portions of the border that fall outside the max range of the Workbook sheet are ignored.

    This would replace RegionUtil.

    • Constructor Detail

      • PropertyTemplate

        public PropertyTemplate()
        Create a PropertyTemplate object
      • PropertyTemplate

        public PropertyTemplate​(PropertyTemplate template)
        Create a PropertyTemplate object from another PropertyTemplate
        template - a PropertyTemplate object