Class SheetBuilder

  • public class SheetBuilder
    extends Object
    Class SheetBuilder provides an easy way of building workbook sheets from 2D array of Objects. It can be used in test cases to improve code readability or in Swing applications with tables.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SheetBuilder

        public SheetBuilder​(Workbook workbook,
                            Object[][] cells)
    • Method Detail

      • getCreateEmptyCells

        public boolean getCreateEmptyCells()
        Returns true if null array elements should be treated as empty cells.
        true if null objects should be treated as empty cells and false otherwise
      • setCreateEmptyCells

        public SheetBuilder setCreateEmptyCells​(boolean shouldCreateEmptyCells)
        Specifies if null array elements should be treated as empty cells.
        shouldCreateEmptyCells - true if null array elements should be treated as empty cells
      • setSheetName

        public SheetBuilder setSheetName​(String sheetName)
        Specifies name of the sheet to build. If not specified, default name (provided by workbook) will be used instead.
        sheetName - sheet name to use
      • build

        public Sheet build()
        Builds sheet from parent workbook and 2D array with cell values. Creates rows anyway (even if row contains only null cells), creates cells if either corresponding array value is not null or createEmptyCells property is true. The conversion is performed in the following way:

        • Numbers become numeric cells.
        • java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar instances become date cells.
        • String with leading '=' char become formulas (leading '=' will be truncated).
        • Other objects become strings via Object.toString() method call.
        newly created sheet