Class OakBacklogClusterSyncService

    • Constructor Detail

      • OakBacklogClusterSyncService

        public OakBacklogClusterSyncService()
    • Method Detail

      • setConsistencyHistory

        public void setConsistencyHistory​(ClusterSyncHistory consistencyHistory)
      • sync

        public void sync​(BaseTopologyView view,
                         Runnable callback)
        Description copied from interface: ClusterSyncService
        Starts the synchronization process and calls the provided callback upon completion.

        sync() is not thread-safe and should not be invoked concurrently.

        If sync() gets called before a previous invocation finished, that previous invocation will be discarded, ie the callback of the previous invocation will no longer be called.

        The synchronization process consists of making sure that the repository has processed any potential backlog of instances that are no longer part of the provided, new view. Plus it writes a 'sync-token' to a well-defined location, with all peers doing the same, and upon seeing all other sync-tokens declares successful completion - at which point it calls the

        Specified by:
        sync in interface ClusterSyncService
        view - the view which all instances in the local cluster should agree on having seen
        callback - the runnable which should be called after successful syncing
      • getSyncHistory

        public List<String> getSyncHistory()