Interface MicrodataAttributeHelper

    • Method Detail

      • itemtype

        String itemtype()
        Calls itemtypeMap() and normalizes the map into a String of the form 'attr1="val1" attr2="val2"'
      • itemtypeMap

        Map<String,​String> itemtypeMap()
        Get a map with the HTMl attributes for a new item of the type defined through a new MicrodataAttributeHelper object

        The key is the HTMl attribute name and the value is the HTML attribute value

      • itemprop

        String itemprop​(String propName,
                        boolean withType)
        Calls itempropMap(String, boolean) and normalizes the map into a String of the form 'attr1="val1" attr2="val2"'
        propName -
        withType -
      • itempropMap

        Map<String,​String> itempropMap​(String propName,
                                             boolean withType)
        Get a map with the HTMl attributes for the given property of the type defined through a new MicrodataAttributeHelper

        The key is the HTMl attribute name and the value is the HTML attribute value

        Will through a HApiException runtime exception if the property propName does not exist for the type

        propName - the name of the property
        withType - whether to include the 'itemtype' attribute
      • allPropTypesMap

        Map<String,​String> allPropTypesMap()
        Get a map of types for each type property.

        The key is the property name and the value is the type path identifier of that property
