Interface SchemaGlobalElement

    • Method Detail

      • substitutionGroupMembers

        QName[] substitutionGroupMembers()
        Set of QNames for elements that are the members of the substitution group for which this element is the head, not including this element.
      • substitutionGroup

        SchemaGlobalElement substitutionGroup()
        The element that is the head of this element's substitution group, or null if this element is not a member of a substitution group.
      • finalExtension

        boolean finalExtension()
        True if using this element as the head of a substitution group for a substitution via type extension is prohibited. If both finalExtension and finalRestriction are true, this element cannot be head of a substitution group. Sensible only for global elements.
      • finalRestriction

        boolean finalRestriction()
        True if using this element as the head of a substitution group for a substitution via type restriction is prohibited. If both finalExtension and finalRestriction are true, this element cannot be head of a substitution group. Sensible only for global elements.