Class XmlError

    • Constructor Detail

      • XmlError

        public XmlError​(XmlError src)
        Copy constructor.
        src - The original XmlError to copy.
    • Method Detail

      • forMessage

        public static XmlError forMessage​(String message)
        Returns an XmlError for the given message, with no location and SEVERITY_ERROR.
        message - the error message
      • forMessage

        public static XmlError forMessage​(String code,
                                          Object[] args)
        Returns an XmlError for the given message, with no location and the given severity.
        code - the error code
        args - the arguments to use in formatting the error message
      • forMessage

        public static XmlError forMessage​(String code,
                                          Object[] args,
                                          int severity)
        Returns an XmlError for the given message, with no location and the given severity.
        code - the error code
        args - the arguments to use in formatting the error message
        severity - the severity (SEVERITY_ERROR, SEVERITY_WARNING, or SEVERITY_INFO)
      • forSource

        public static XmlError forSource​(String message,
                                         String sourceName)
        Returns an XmlError for the given message, located in the given file and SEVERITY_ERROR.
        message - the error message
        sourceName - the URL or other name for the file
      • forSource

        public static XmlError forSource​(String message,
                                         int severity,
                                         String sourceName)
        Returns an XmlError for the given message, with the given severity, located in the given file.
        message - the error message
        severity - the severity (SEVERITY_ERROR, SEVERITY_WARNING, or SEVERITY_INFO)
        sourceName - the URL or other name for the file
      • forSource

        public static XmlError forSource​(String code,
                                         Object[] args,
                                         int severity,
                                         String sourceName)
        Returns an XmlError for the given message, with the given severity, located in the given file.
        code - the error code
        args - the arguments to use in formatting the error message
        severity - the severity (SEVERITY_ERROR, SEVERITY_WARNING, or SEVERITY_INFO)
        sourceName - the URL or other name for the file
      • forLocation

        public static XmlError forLocation​(String message,
                                           String sourceName,
                                           Location location)
        Returns an XmlError for the given message, located at a specific point in the given file and SEVERITY_ERROR.
        message - the error message
        sourceName - the URL or other name for the file
        location - the location from an xml stream
      • forLocation

        public static XmlError forLocation​(String message,
                                           String sourceName,
                                           int line,
                                           int column,
                                           int offset)
        Returns an XmlError for the given message, located at a specific point in the given file and SEVERITY_ERROR.
        message - the error message
        sourceName - the URL or other name for the file
        line - the 1-based line number, or -1 if not known
        column - the 1-based column number, or -1 if not known
        offset - the 0-base file character offset, or -1 if not known
      • forLocation

        public static XmlError forLocation​(String code,
                                           Object[] args,
                                           int severity,
                                           String sourceName,
                                           int line,
                                           int column,
                                           int offset)
        Returns an XmlError for the given message, with the given severity, located at a specific point in the given file.
        code - the error code
        args - the arguments to use in formatting the error message
        severity - the severity (SEVERITY_ERROR, SEVERITY_WARNING, or SEVERITY_INFO)
        sourceName - the URL or other name for the file
        line - the 1-based line number, or -1 if not known
        column - the 1-based column number, or -1 if not known
        offset - the 0-base file character offset, or -1 if not known
      • forLocation

        public static XmlError forLocation​(String message,
                                           int severity,
                                           String sourceName,
                                           int line,
                                           int column,
                                           int offset)
        Returns an XmlError for the given message, with the given severity, located at a specific point in the given file.
        message - the error message
        severity - the severity (SEVERITY_ERROR, SEVERITY_WARNING, or SEVERITY_INFO)
        sourceName - the URL or other name for the file
        line - the 1-based line number, or -1 if not known
        column - the 1-based column number, or -1 if not known
        offset - the 0-base file character offset, or -1 if not known
      • forLocationAndCursor

        public static XmlError forLocationAndCursor​(String message,
                                                    int severity,
                                                    String sourceName,
                                                    int line,
                                                    int column,
                                                    int offset,
                                                    XmlCursor cursor)
        Returns an XmlError for the given message, with the given severity, located at the given physcial location and XmlCursor.
        message - the error message
        severity - the severity (SEVERITY_ERROR, SEVERITY_WARNING, or SEVERITY_INFO)
        sourceName - the URL or other name for the file
        line - the 1-based line number, or -1 if not known
        column - the 1-based column number, or -1 if not known
        offset - the 0-base file character offset, or -1 if not known
        cursor - the XmlCursor representing the location of the error
      • forObject

        public static XmlError forObject​(String message,
                                         XmlObject xobj)
        Returns an XmlError for the given message, located at the XmlObject, with SEVERITY_ERROR.
        message - the error message
        xobj - the XmlObject representing the location of the error
      • forObject

        public static XmlError forObject​(String code,
                                         Object[] args,
                                         XmlObject xobj)
        Returns an XmlError for the given message, located at the XmlObject, with SEVERITY_ERROR.
        code - the error code
        args - the arguments to use in formatting the error message
        xobj - the XmlObject representing the location of the error
      • forObject

        public static XmlError forObject​(String message,
                                         int severity,
                                         XmlObject xobj)
        Returns an XmlError for the given message, with the given severity, located at the XmlObject.
        message - the error message
        severity - the severity (SEVERITY_ERROR, SEVERITY_WARNING, or SEVERITY_INFO)
        xobj - the XmlObject representing the location of the error
      • forObject

        public static XmlError forObject​(String code,
                                         Object[] args,
                                         int severity,
                                         XmlObject xobj)
        Returns an XmlError for the given message, with the given severity, located at the XmlObject.
        code - the error code
        args - the arguments to use in formatting the error message
        severity - the severity (SEVERITY_ERROR, SEVERITY_WARNING, or SEVERITY_INFO)
        xobj - the XmlObject representing the location of the error
      • forCursor

        public static XmlError forCursor​(String message,
                                         XmlCursor cursor)
        Returns an XmlError for the given message, located at the XmlCursor, with SEVERITY_ERROR.
        message - the error message
        cursor - the XmlCursor representing the location of the error
      • forCursor

        public static XmlError forCursor​(String code,
                                         Object[] args,
                                         XmlCursor cursor)
        Returns an XmlError for the given message, located at the XmlCursor, with SEVERITY_ERROR.
        code - the error code
        args - the arguments to use in formatting the error message
        cursor - the XmlCursor representing the location of the error
      • forCursor

        public static XmlError forCursor​(String message,
                                         int severity,
                                         XmlCursor cursor)
        Returns an XmlError for the given message, with the given severity, located at the XmlCursor.
        message - the error message
        severity - the severity (SEVERITY_ERROR, SEVERITY_WARNING, or SEVERITY_INFO)
        cursor - the XmlCursor representing the location of the error
      • forCursor

        public static XmlError forCursor​(String code,
                                         Object[] args,
                                         int severity,
                                         XmlCursor cursor)
        Returns an XmlError for the given message, with the given severity, located at the XmlCursor.
        code - the error code
        args - the arguments to use in formatting the error message
        severity - the severity (SEVERITY_ERROR, SEVERITY_WARNING, or SEVERITY_INFO)
        cursor - the XmlCursor representing the location of the error
      • formattedMessage

        public static String formattedMessage​(String code,
                                              Object[] args)
        Tries to format a message using the error code.
      • getMessage

        public String getMessage()
        Returns the error message without location information.
      • getErrorCode

        public String getErrorCode()
        Returns the error code or null. See XmlErrorCodes.
      • getSourceName

        public String getSourceName()
        Returns the URL (or other name) of the file with the error, if available.
      • getLine

        public int getLine()
        Returns the line number of the error, if available, -1 if not.
      • getColumn

        public int getColumn()
        Returns the column number of the error, if available, -1 if not.
      • getOffset

        public int getOffset()
        Returns the file character offset of the error, if available, -1 if not.
      • getLocation

        public Object getLocation​(Object type)
        Returns a location object of the given type. XmlCursor.class and XmlObject.class can be passed, for example. Null if not available.
      • getCursorLocation

        public XmlCursor getCursorLocation()
        Returns a location of the error as an XmlCursor, null if not available.
      • getObjectLocation

        public XmlObject getObjectLocation()
        Returns a location of the error as an XmlObject, null if not available.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Produces a standard string for the error message, complete with filename and location offsets if available.
        toString in class Object
      • toString

        public String toString​(URI base)
        Produces a standard string with the error message. If a non-null URI is supplied, source names are relativized against the given URI.
      • severityAsString

        public static String severityAsString​(int severity)