Interface JamServiceContext

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface JamServiceContext
    extends JamLogger

    Structure containing information given to a BaseJProvider subclass in order to instantiate a new JStore. This interface is the flip-side of JamServiceParams - it provides a view into the params the user specified. In reality, JamServiceContext and JamServiceParams are implemented by the same object, JamServiceContextImpl, but it is cleaner to separate the users' view of that data (which is write-only) from the provider's view (which is view-only).

    • Method Detail

      • getInputClasspath

        ResourcePath getInputClasspath()
        The classpath to be searched when trying to initialize an MClass for a java class which was not in the inputSources or inputClasses, or null.
      • getInputSourcepath

        ResourcePath getInputSourcepath()
        The sourcepath to be searched when trying to initialize an MClass for a java class which was not in the inputSources or inputClasses, or null.
      • getToolClasspath

        ResourcePath getToolClasspath()
        The classpath to be used in loading external classes on which the service implementation depends, or null. This is not generally needed.
      • getProperty

        String getProperty​(String name)
        an implementation-specific property, as specified by JamServiceParams.setProperty().
      • getInitializer

        MVisitor getInitializer()
      • getReflectionClassLoaders

        ClassLoader[] getReflectionClassLoaders()
      • getTagParser

        JavadocTagParser getTagParser()

        Returns the JavadocTagParser to be used in processing javadoc tags. This never returns null - if no parser was specified by the user, the default one is used. This method should be used only by JavadocClassBuilder.

      • is14WarningsEnabled

        boolean is14WarningsEnabled()