Class PeriodFormatter

  • public class PeriodFormatter
    extends Object
    Controls the printing and parsing of a time period to and from a string.

    This class is the main API for printing and parsing used by most applications. Instances of this class are created via one of three factory classes:

    An instance of this class holds a reference internally to one printer and one parser. It is possible that one of these may be null, in which case the formatter cannot print/parse. This can be checked via the isPrinter() and isParser() methods.

    The underlying printer/parser can be altered to behave exactly as required by using a decorator modifier:

    This returns a new formatter (instances of this class are immutable).

    The main methods of the class are the printXxx and parseXxx methods. These are used as follows:

     // print using the default locale
     String periodStr = formatter.print(period);
     // print using the French locale
     String periodStr = formatter.withLocale(Locale.FRENCH).print(period);
     // parse using the French locale
     Period date = formatter.withLocale(Locale.FRENCH).parsePeriod(str);
    • Constructor Detail

      • PeriodFormatter

        public PeriodFormatter​(PeriodPrinter printer,
                               PeriodParser parser)
        Creates a new formatter, however you will normally use the factory or the builder.
        printer - the internal printer, null if cannot print
        parser - the internal parser, null if cannot parse
    • Method Detail

      • isPrinter

        public boolean isPrinter()
        Is this formatter capable of printing.
        true if this is a printer
      • getPrinter

        public PeriodPrinter getPrinter()
        Gets the internal printer object that performs the real printing work.
        the internal printer
      • isParser

        public boolean isParser()
        Is this formatter capable of parsing.
        true if this is a parser
      • getParser

        public PeriodParser getParser()
        Gets the internal parser object that performs the real parsing work.
        the internal parser
      • withLocale

        public PeriodFormatter withLocale​(Locale locale)
        Returns a new formatter with a different locale that will be used for printing and parsing.

        A PeriodFormatter is immutable, so a new instance is returned, and the original is unaltered and still usable.

        A null locale indicates that no specific locale override is in use.

        locale - the locale to use
        the new formatter
      • getLocale

        public Locale getLocale()
        Gets the locale that will be used for printing and parsing.

        A null locale indicates that no specific locale override is in use.

        the locale to use
      • withParseType

        public PeriodFormatter withParseType​(PeriodType type)
        Returns a new formatter with a different PeriodType for parsing.

        A PeriodFormatter is immutable, so a new instance is returned, and the original is unaltered and still usable.

        type - the type to use in parsing
        the new formatter
      • getParseType

        public PeriodType getParseType()
        Gets the PeriodType that will be used for parsing.
        the parse type to use
      • printTo

        public void printTo​(StringBuffer buf,
                            ReadablePeriod period)
        Prints a ReadablePeriod to a StringBuffer.
        buf - the formatted period is appended to this buffer
        period - the period to format, not null
      • printTo

        public void printTo​(Writer out,
                            ReadablePeriod period)
                     throws IOException
        Prints a ReadablePeriod to a Writer.
        out - the formatted period is written out
        period - the period to format, not null
      • print

        public String print​(ReadablePeriod period)
        Prints a ReadablePeriod to a new String.
        period - the period to format, not null
        the printed result
      • parseInto

        public int parseInto​(ReadWritablePeriod period,
                             String text,
                             int position)
        Parses a period from the given text, at the given position, saving the result into the fields of the given ReadWritablePeriod. If the parse succeeds, the return value is the new text position. Note that the parse may succeed without fully reading the text.

        The parse type of the formatter is not used by this method.

        If it fails, the return value is negative, but the period may still be modified. To determine the position where the parse failed, apply the one's complement operator (~) on the return value.

        period - a period that will be modified
        text - text to parse
        position - position to start parsing from
        new position, if negative, parse failed. Apply complement operator (~) to get position of failure
        IllegalArgumentException - if any field is out of range
      • parsePeriod

        public Period parsePeriod​(String text)
        Parses a period from the given text, returning a new Period.
        text - text to parse
        parsed value in a Period object
        IllegalArgumentException - if any field is out of range
      • parseMutablePeriod

        public MutablePeriod parseMutablePeriod​(String text)
        Parses a period from the given text, returning a new MutablePeriod.
        text - text to parse
        parsed value in a MutablePeriod object
        IllegalArgumentException - if any field is out of range