Class VersionRange

  • public class VersionRange
    extends Object
    Version range. A version range is an interval describing a set of versions.

    A range has a left (lower) endpoint and a right (upper) endpoint. Each endpoint can be open (excluded from the set) or closed (included in the set).

    VersionRange objects are immutable.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static char LEFT_CLOSED
      The left endpoint is closed and is included in the range.
      static char LEFT_OPEN
      The left endpoint is open and is excluded from the range.
      static char RIGHT_CLOSED
      The right endpoint is closed and is included in the range.
      static char RIGHT_OPEN
      The right endpoint is open and is excluded from the range.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      VersionRange​(char leftType, Version leftEndpoint, Version rightEndpoint, char rightType)
      Creates a version range from the specified versions.
      VersionRange​(String range)
      Creates a version range from the specified string.
    • Field Detail

      • LEFT_OPEN

        public static final char LEFT_OPEN
        The left endpoint is open and is excluded from the range.

        The value of LEFT_OPEN is '('.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final char LEFT_CLOSED
        The left endpoint is closed and is included in the range.

        The value of LEFT_CLOSED is '['.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • RIGHT_OPEN

        public static final char RIGHT_OPEN
        The right endpoint is open and is excluded from the range.

        The value of RIGHT_OPEN is ')'.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final char RIGHT_CLOSED
        The right endpoint is closed and is included in the range.

        The value of RIGHT_CLOSED is ']'.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • VersionRange

        public VersionRange​(char leftType,
                            Version leftEndpoint,
                            Version rightEndpoint,
                            char rightType)
        Creates a version range from the specified versions.
        leftType - Must be either LEFT_CLOSED or LEFT_OPEN .
        leftEndpoint - Left endpoint of range. Must not be null.
        rightEndpoint - Right endpoint of range. May be null to indicate the right endpoint is Infinity.
        rightType - Must be either RIGHT_CLOSED or RIGHT_OPEN.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the arguments are invalid.
      • VersionRange

        public VersionRange​(String range)
        Creates a version range from the specified string.

        Version range string grammar:

         range ::= interval | atleast
         interval ::= ( '[' | '(' ) left ',' right ( ']' | ')' )
         left ::= version
         right ::= version
         atleast ::= version
        range - String representation of the version range. The versions in the range must contain no whitespace. Other whitespace in the range string is ignored. Must not be null.
        IllegalArgumentException - If range is improperly formatted.
    • Method Detail

      • getLeft

        public Version getLeft()
        Returns the left endpoint of this version range.
        The left endpoint.
      • getRight

        public Version getRight()
        Returns the right endpoint of this version range.
        The right endpoint. May be null which indicates the right endpoint is Infinity.
      • getLeftType

        public char getLeftType()
        Returns the type of the left endpoint of this version range.
        LEFT_CLOSED if the left endpoint is closed or LEFT_OPEN if the left endpoint is open.
      • getRightType

        public char getRightType()
        Returns the type of the right endpoint of this version range.
        RIGHT_CLOSED if the right endpoint is closed or RIGHT_OPEN if the right endpoint is open.
      • includes

        public boolean includes​(Version version)
        Returns whether this version range includes the specified version.
        version - The version to test for inclusion in this version range.
        true if the specified version is included in this version range; false otherwise.
      • intersection

        public VersionRange intersection​(VersionRange... ranges)
        Returns the intersection of this version range with the specified version ranges.
        ranges - The version ranges to intersect with this version range.
        A version range representing the intersection of this version range and the specified version ranges. If no version ranges are specified, then this version range is returned.
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Returns whether this version range is empty. A version range is empty if the set of versions defined by the interval is empty.
        true if this version range is empty; false otherwise.
      • isExact

        public boolean isExact()
        Returns whether this version range contains only a single version.
        true if this version range contains only a single version; false otherwise.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns the string representation of this version range.

        The format of the version range string will be a version string if the right end point is Infinity (null) or an interval string.

        toString in class Object
        The string representation of this version range.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns a hash code value for the object.
        hashCode in class Object
        An integer which is a hash code value for this object.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object object)
        Compares this VersionRange object to another object.

        A version range is considered to be equal to another version range if both the endpoints and their types are equal or if both version ranges are empty.

        equals in class Object
        object - The VersionRange object to be compared.
        true if object is a VersionRange and is equal to this object; false otherwise.
      • toFilterString

        public String toFilterString​(String attributeName)
        Returns the filter string for this version range using the specified attribute name.
        attributeName - The attribute name to use in the returned filter string.
        A filter string for this version range using the specified attribute name.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the specified attribute name is not a valid attribute name.
        See Also:
        "Core Specification, Filters, for a description of the filter string syntax."
      • valueOf

        public static VersionRange valueOf​(String range)
        Returns a VersionRange object holding the version range in the specified String.

        See VersionRange(String) for the format of the version range string.

        range - String representation of the version range. The versions in the range must contain no whitespace. Other whitespace in the range string is ignored. Must not be null.
        A VersionRange object representing the version range.
        IllegalArgumentException - If range is improperly formatted.