Interface BlobStatsCollector

    • Method Detail

      • uploaded

        void uploaded​(long timeTaken,
                      TimeUnit unit,
                      long size)
        Called when a binary content is written to BlobStore
        timeTaken - time taken to perform the operation
        unit - unit of time taken
        size - size of binary content being written
      • uploadCompleted

        void uploadCompleted​(String blobId)
        Invoked when upload for a binary file get completed. In case of chunked BlobStore this invoked when all the chunks have been uploaded
        blobId - id of the blob which got uploaded. Even in case of chunked blobStores its the id of main blob
      • uploadFailed

        void uploadFailed()
        Invoked when an upload of a binary fails.
      • downloaded

        void downloaded​(String blobId,
                        long timeTaken,
                        TimeUnit unit,
                        long size)
        Called when a binary content is read from BlobStore
        blobId - id of blob whose content are being read. For BlobStore which break up file in chunks it would be chunkId
        timeTaken - time taken to perform the operation
        unit - unit of time taken
        size - size of binary content being read
      • downloadCompleted

        void downloadCompleted​(String blobId)
        Invoked when download for a binary file get completed. In case of chunked BlobStore this invoked when all the chunks have been downloaded
        blobId - id of the blob which got downloaded. Even in case of chunked blobStores its the id of main blob
      • downloadFailed

        void downloadFailed​(String blobId)
        Called when an attempt to download a binary file fails.
        blobId - id of the blob for which the download failed
      • deleted

        void deleted​(String blobId,
                     long timeTaken,
                     TimeUnit unit)
        Called when a binary is deleted from the BlobStore
        blobId - id of blob being deleted
        timeTaken - time taken to perform the delete
        unit - unit of time taken
      • deleteCompleted

        void deleteCompleted​(String blobId)
        Called when deletion of a binary is completed.
        blobId - id of the blob which was deleted
      • deleteFailed

        void deleteFailed()
        Called when deletion of a binary fails.
      • deletedAllOlderThan

        void deletedAllOlderThan​(long timeTaken,
                                 TimeUnit unit,
                                 long min)
        Called when deleting binaries older than a specified date, via DataStore.deleteAllOlderThan(long).
        timeTaken - time taken to perform the deletion
        unit - unit of time taken
        min - time used for determining what to delete - older than this time gets deleted
      • deleteAllOlderThanCompleted

        void deleteAllOlderThanCompleted​(int deletedCount)
        Called when DataStore.deleteAllOlderThan(long) is completed.
        deletedCount - count of records deleted
      • deleteAllOlderThanFailed

        void deleteAllOlderThanFailed​(long min)
        min - time used for determining what to delete
      • recordAdded

        void recordAdded​(long timeTaken,
                         TimeUnit unit,
                         long size)
        Called when a binary is added via DataStore.addRecord(InputStream).
        timeTaken - time taken to perform the operation
        unit - unit of time taken
        size - size of binary content being read
      • getRecordCalled

        void getRecordCalled​(long timeTaken,
                             TimeUnit unit,
                             long size)
        Called when a DataRecord is retrieved via DataStore.getRecord(DataIdentifier).
        timeTaken - time taken to perform the operation
        unit - unit of time taken
        size - size of the binary
      • getRecordFromReferenceCalled

        void getRecordFromReferenceCalled​(long timeTaken,
                                          TimeUnit unit,
                                          long size)
        timeTaken - time taken to perform the operation
        unit - unit of time taken
        size - size of the binary
      • getAllIdentifiersCalled

        void getAllIdentifiersCalled​(long timeTaken,
                                     TimeUnit unit)
        Called when DataStore.getAllIdentifiers() is called.
        timeTaken - time taken to perform the operation
        unit - unit of time taken