Class XDGFCell

  • public class XDGFCell
    extends Object
    There are a lot of different cell types. Cell is really just an attribute of the thing that it's attached to. Will probably refactor this once I figure out a better way to use them The various attributes of a Cell are constrained, and are better defined in the XSD 1.1 visio schema Values of a cell are often the result of a formula computation. Luckily for you, Visio seems to always write the result to the document file, so unless the values change we don't need to recompute the values.
    • Constructor Detail

      • XDGFCell

        public XDGFCell​( cell)
    • Method Detail

      • parseDoubleValue

        public static Double parseDoubleValue​( cell)
      • parseIntegerValue

        public static Integer parseIntegerValue​( cell)
      • parseVLength

        public static Double parseVLength​( cell)
        cell - The type of the cell
        A value converted to inches
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Represents the name of the ShapeSheet cell.
      • getValue

        public String getValue()
        Represents the value of the cell.
      • getFormula

        public String getFormula()
        Represents the element's formula. This attribute can contain one of the following strings: - '(some formula)' if the formula exists locally - No Formula if the formula is locally deleted or blocked - Inh if the formula is inherited.
      • getError

        public String getError()