Class HSLFSoundData

  • public final class HSLFSoundData
    extends Object
    A class that represents sound data embedded in a slide show.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HSLFSoundData

        public HSLFSoundData​(Sound container)
        Creates the object data wrapping the record that contains the sound data.
        container - the record that contains the sound data.
    • Method Detail

      • getSoundName

        public String getSoundName()
        Name of the sound (e.g. "crash")
        name of the sound
      • getSoundType

        public String getSoundType()
        Type of the sound (e.g. ".wav")
        type of the sound
      • getData

        public byte[] getData()
        Gets an input stream which returns the binary of the sound data.
        the input stream which will contain the binary of the sound data.
      • find

        public static HSLFSoundData[] find​(Document document)
        Find all sound records in the supplied Document records
        document - the document to find in
        the array with the sound data