Package com.adobe.xfa

Class Option

  • public final class Option
    extends Object
    Represents an option such as those passed to XFAModelFactory::setOption(). This class shouldn't be part of the published XFA DOM API.
       Usage: an Option is generally stored as a member of the object 
              to which the option pertains.  An Option is created with
              two strings: the name of the option, and a string 
              representing all of the possible values to which the option
              can be set.  The format of the validation string is as 
              Each section of the string represents one possible value.
              It can be one of the following:
              "literal"  - a literal string that must match exactly 
                           (i.e. a keyword)
              "%d"       - an integer
              "%lf"      - a double (%lf is long-float scanf notation)
              "%b"       - a boolean (i.e. a "1" or a "0")
              "%s"       - a string
              Example: "default|%d|%s" represents that an option can be 
              either the word "default", or an integer, or a string.  
              Note that the order is important.  Possible matches are 
              considered from left to right.
              The caller passes the option into setValue(), which matches
              the option against the validation string.  In the example 
              above, if setValue were called with "default", then 
              getMatchingIndex() would return 0.  If instead setValue() 
              were called with "5", then getMatchingIndex() would return 
              1, and the caller could retrieve the value 5 from 
              getInteger().  Finally if a string other than "default" 
              were passed in, then getMatchingIndex() would return 2, and
              the string could be retrieved via getString().
              An exception is thrown if setValue is called with an 
              invalid option.
              If the option has never been set (ie. setValue() has not 
              been called) then getMatchingIndex() returns -1.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Option​(Option src)
      Copy constructor
      Option​(String name, String validValues)
      Constructor for Option.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Option

        public Option​(Option src)
        Copy constructor
        src - the Option to copy
      • Option

        public Option​(String name,
                      String validValues)
        Constructor for Option.
        name - the name of the new option
        validValues - the value of the new option.
    • Method Detail

      • setOptionByArray

        public static int setOptionByArray​(String packageName,
                                           Option[] options,
                                           String optionName,
                                           String optionValue,
                                           boolean bCritical)
        Static routine: given a null-terminated list of pointers to Option, this routine will look up the option called optionName in the list, and call setValue on that option (passing optionValue and bCritical). If the option name contains a package name (such as "data_flatten"), this routine will verify that it matches packageName. If it doesn't match, an exception will be thrown. If the optionName is an empty string, then all the options are reset. In this case, -1 is returned. All other parameters except for the option list are ignored when resetting options.
        packageName - the name of the package that the options belong to (eg. "data").
        options - the list of pointers to options.
        optionName - the name of the option.
        optionValue - the value of the option.
        bCritical - disallow further modification of this option.
        the index into the array of the option that was set, or -1 if optionName is an empty string.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object object)
        Compare this option object to another for equality.
        equals in class Object
        object - the other option
        true if the two options are equal in value, false otherwise
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getArgType

        public int getArgType()
        Return the option type
        our option type. This is EMPTY if this option has not been set. If this option has been set, the return type of getArgType will be one of types represented by the validation string in the constructor.
      • getBool

        public boolean getBool()
        Return the boolean value held by this option
        our boolean value
      • getDouble

        public double getDouble()
        Return the double value held by this option
        our double value
      • getInteger

        public int getInteger()
        Return the integer held by this option
        our integer value.
      • getMatchingIndex

        public int getMatchingIndex()
        Return the integer held by this option
        the 0-based index (into validValues specified in the ructor) that this option has been set to via setValue. Returns -1 if option has not been set.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Return the name of this option
        our name (set in the ructor)
      • getString

        public String getString()
        Return the string value held by this option
        our string value
      • isSet

        public boolean isSet()
        Return whether this option has been set via setValue
        true if the option has been set, false if it has not. (isSet() is equivalent to getMatchingIndex != -1).
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Reset an option. This empties it and clears the locked flag.
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(String value,
                             boolean bCritical)
        Set the value of this option (value is validated against validValues specified in ructor).

        After setting the value, the parsed value may be read via getInteger(), getString(), getMatchingIndex() etc.
        value - the value to take on
        bCritical - disallow further modification of this option.