Class CharSequenceTranslator

    • Constructor Detail

      • CharSequenceTranslator

        public CharSequenceTranslator()
    • Method Detail

      • translate

        public abstract int translate​(CharSequence input,
                                      int index,
                                      Writer out)
                               throws IOException
        Translate a set of codepoints, represented by an int index into a CharSequence, into another set of codepoints. The number of codepoints consumed must be returned, and the only IOExceptions thrown must be from interacting with the Writer so that the top level API may reliably ignore StringWriter IOExceptions.
        input - CharSequence that is being translated
        index - int representing the current point of translation
        out - Writer to translate the text to
        int count of codepoints consumed
        IOException - if and only if the Writer produces an IOException
      • translate

        public final String translate​(CharSequence input)
        Helper for non-Writer usage.
        input - CharSequence to be translated
        String output of translation
      • translate

        public final void translate​(CharSequence input,
                                    Writer out)
                             throws IOException
        Translate an input onto a Writer. This is intentionally final as its algorithm is tightly coupled with the abstract method of this class.
        input - CharSequence that is being translated
        out - Writer to translate the text to
        IOException - if and only if the Writer produces an IOException
      • with

        public final CharSequenceTranslator with​(CharSequenceTranslator... translators)
        Helper method to create a merger of this translator with another set of translators. Useful in customizing the standard functionality.
        translators - CharSequenceTranslator array of translators to merge with this one
        CharSequenceTranslator merging this translator with the others
      • hex

        public static String hex​(int codepoint)

        Returns an upper case hexadecimal String for the given character.

        codepoint - The codepoint to convert.
        An upper case hexadecimal String