Class SubPackageHandling

  • public class SubPackageHandling
    extends Object
    The sub package handling specifies how sub package are handled during recursive package installation. This configuration consists of a list of SubPackageHandling.Entrys that match against a given PackageId. The version of the package id is ignored.

    The sub package handling can be specified in the package properties as a string of the following format:

         subPackageHandling := instruction { "," instruction };
         instruction := packageIdFilter { ";" option }
         packageIdFilter := packageNameFilter | groupNameFilter ":" packageNameFilter;
         groupNameFilter := "*" | groupName;
         packageNameFilter := "*" | packageName;
         option := "install" | "extract" | "add" | "ignore";
    Note that 'ignore' is currently not really supported as sub packages are part of the normal package content and behaves the same as 'add'. Future implementations will transport the sub packages outside of the normal package content, e.g. in a META-INF/vault/subpackages/ folder (see JCRVLT-33).

    The sub package handling is being specified in the package properties xml within property PackageProperties.NAME_SUB_PACKAGE_HANDLING.

    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • SubPackageHandling

        public SubPackageHandling()
    • Method Detail

      • fromString

        public static SubPackageHandling fromString​(String str)
        Parses a options string as described above and returns a new SubPackageHandling instance.
        str - the string to parse
        the configuration or null if the string is malformed.
      • getString

        public String getString()
        Returns the parseable string representation of this configuration.
        the string representation.