Class FileSize

  • @Deprecated(since="2022-01-27")
    public class FileSize
    extends Object
    This internal logback API is not supported by AEM as a Cloud Service.
    Instances of this class represent the size of a file. Internally, the size is stored as long.>

    The valueOf(java.lang.String) method can convert strings such as "3 kb", "5 mb", into FileSize instances. The recognized unit specifications for file size are the "kb", "mb", and "gb". The unit name may be followed by an "s". Thus, "2 kbs" and "2 kb" are equivalent. In the absence of a time unit specification, byte is assumed.

    • Constructor Detail

      • FileSize

        public FileSize​(long size)
    • Method Detail

      • getSize

        public long getSize()
      • valueOf

        public static FileSize valueOf​(String fileSizeStr)