Class ImpersonationRequestUtil

  • @Deprecated
    public class ImpersonationRequestUtil
    extends Object
    as of 5.3.4
    This class/service is deprecated and should not be used any more. It will be removed in a future version.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ImpersonationRequestUtil

        public ImpersonationRequestUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • isImpersonated

        public boolean isImpersonated​(HttpServletRequest request)
        check "impersonator" attribute of the session to see whether the session is impersonated or not.
        Returns true if the JCR Session underlying the current request is impersonated. Otherwise false is returned. false is als returned if the request is not a SlingHttpServletRequest or the request's resource resolver is not based on a JCR session.
      • createCookie

        public Cookie createCookie​(String id,
                                   String sudo)
        with no replacement. To initiate impersonation send a request with the sudo request parameter set to the target user id.
        UnsupportedOperationException - because this is not implemented and supported any longer.