Class CollectionType

    • Method Detail

      • withContentType

        public JavaType withContentType​(JavaType contentType)
        Description copied from class: JavaType
        Mutant factory method that may be called on structured types that have a so-called content type (element of arrays, value type of Maps, referenced type of referential types), and will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that it has specified content type, instead of current one. If content type is already set to given type, this is returned. If type does not have a content type (which is the case with SimpleType), IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
        withContentType in class CollectionLikeType
        Newly created type instance
      • withTypeHandler

        public CollectionType withTypeHandler​(Object h)
        Description copied from class: JavaType
        Internal method that should not be used by any code outside of jackson-databind: only used internally by databind. May be removed from Jackson 3.0.

        This mutant factory method will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that it will have specified type handler assigned.

        withTypeHandler in class CollectionLikeType
        h - Handler to pass to new instance created
        Newly created type instance with same type information, specified handler
      • withContentTypeHandler

        public CollectionType withContentTypeHandler​(Object h)
        Description copied from class: JavaType
        Internal method that should not be used by any code outside of jackson-databind: only used internally by databind. May be removed from Jackson 3.0.

        This mutant factory method will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that it will have specified content type (element type for arrays, value type for Maps and so forth) handler assigned.

        withContentTypeHandler in class CollectionLikeType
        h - Handler to pass to new instance created
        Newly created type instance with same type information, specified handler
      • withValueHandler

        public CollectionType withValueHandler​(Object h)
        Description copied from class: JavaType
        Internal method that should not be used by any code outside of jackson-databind: only used internally by databind. May be removed from Jackson 3.0.

        This mutant factory method will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that it will have specified value handler assigned.

        withValueHandler in class CollectionLikeType
        h - Handler to pass to new instance created
        Newly created type instance with same type information, specified handler
      • withContentValueHandler

        public CollectionType withContentValueHandler​(Object h)
        Description copied from class: JavaType
        Internal method that should not be used by any code outside of jackson-databind: only used internally by databind. May be removed from Jackson 3.0.

        Mutant factory method that will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that it will have specified content value handler assigned.

        withContentValueHandler in class CollectionLikeType
        h - Handler to pass to new instance created
        Newly created type instance with same type information, specified handler
      • withStaticTyping

        public CollectionType withStaticTyping()
        Description copied from class: JavaType
        Method that can be called to get a type instance that indicates that values of the type should be handled using "static typing" for purposes of serialization (as opposed to "dynamic" aka runtime typing): meaning that no runtime information is needed for determining serializers to use. The main use case is to allow forcing of specific root value serialization type, and specifically in resolving serializers for contained types (element types for arrays, Collections and Maps).
        withStaticTyping in class CollectionLikeType
      • refine

        public JavaType refine​(Class<?> rawType,
                               TypeBindings bindings,
                               JavaType superClass,
                               JavaType[] superInterfaces)
        Description copied from class: JavaType
        Mutant factory method that will try to create and return a sub-type instance for known parameterized types; for other types will return `null` to indicate that no just refinement makes necessary sense, without trying to detect special status through implemented interfaces.
        refine in class CollectionLikeType