Interface AsyncBatchCursor<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The type of documents the cursor contains
    All Superinterfaces:
    AutoCloseable, Closeable
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    AsyncAggregateResponseBatchCursor<T>, MapReduceAsyncBatchCursor<T>

    public interface AsyncBatchCursor<T>
    extends Closeable
    Prefer the Reactive Streams-based asynchronous driver (mongodb-driver-reactivestreams artifactId)
    MongoDB returns query results as batches, and this interface provides an asynchronous iterator over those batches. The first call to the next method will return the first batch, and subsequent calls will trigger an asynchronous request to get the next batch of results. Clients can control the batch size by setting the batchSize property between calls to next.
    • Method Detail

      • next

        void next​(SingleResultCallback<List<T>> callback)
        Returns the next batch of results. A tailable cursor will block until another batch exists. After the last batch, the next call to this method will execute the callback with a null result to indicate that there are no more batches available and the cursor has been closed.
        callback - callback to receive the next batch of results
        NoSuchElementException - if no next batch exists
      • tryNext

        void tryNext​(SingleResultCallback<List<T>> callback)
        A special next() case that returns the next batch if available or null.

        Tailable cursors are an example where this is useful. A call to tryNext() may return null, but in the future calling tryNext() would return a new batch if a document had been added to the capped collection.

        callback - callback to receive the next batch of results
      • setBatchSize

        void setBatchSize​(int batchSize)
        Sets the batch size to use when requesting the next batch. This is the number of documents to request in the next batch.
        batchSize - the non-negative batch size. 0 means to use the server default.
      • getBatchSize

        int getBatchSize()
        Gets the batch size to use when requesting the next batch. This is the number of documents to request in the next batch.
        the non-negative batch size. 0 means to use the server default.
      • isClosed

        boolean isClosed()
        Return true if the AsyncBatchCursor has been closed
        true if the AsyncBatchCursor has been closed