Interface Dumpable

    • Method Detail

      • dump

        void dump​(Appendable out,
                  String indent)
           throws IOException
        Dump this object (and children) into an Appendable using the provided indent after any new lines. The indent should not be applied to the first object dumped.
        out - The appendable to dump to
        indent - The indent to apply after any new lines.
        IOException - if unable to write to Appendable
      • dumpSelf

        default String dumpSelf()
        The description of this/self found in the dump. Allows for alternative representation of Object other then .toString() where the long form output of toString() is represented in a cleaner way within the dump infrastructure.
        the representation of self
      • dumpObject

        static void dumpObject​(Appendable out,
                               Object o)
                        throws IOException
        Dump just an Object (but not it's contained items) to an Appendable.
        out - The Appendable to dump to
        o - The object to dump.
        IOException - May be thrown by the Appendable
      • dumpObjects

        static void dumpObjects​(Appendable out,
                                String indent,
                                Object object,
                                Object... extraChildren)
                         throws IOException
        Dump an Object, it's contained items and additional items to an Appendable. If the object in an Iterable or an Array, then its contained items are also dumped.
        out - the Appendable to dump to
        indent - The indent to apply after any new lines
        object - The object to dump. If the object is an instance of Container, Stream, Iterable, Array or Map, then children of the object a recursively dumped.
        extraChildren - Items to be dumped as children of the object, in addition to any discovered children of object
        IOException - May be thrown by the Appendable