Package com.adobe.xfa

Class TextNode

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class TextNode
    extends Chars
    A class to represent the textual content of an XFA element in the DOM.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TextNode

        public TextNode​(Element parent,
                        Node prevSibling,
                        String text)
        Instantiates a text node with the given text.
        parent - the node's parent, if any.
        prevSibling - the node's previous sibling, if any.
        text - the node's text.
      • TextNode

        public TextNode​(Element parent,
                        Node prevSibling,
                        char[] text,
                        int start,
                        int length)
        Instantiates a text node.
        parent - the node's parent, if any.
        prevSibling - the node's previous sibling, if any.
        text - the char array that contains our text.
        start - offset into the char array to start at.
        length - the number of characters to take.
    • Method Detail

      • createProto

        public TextNode createProto​(Element oParent,
                                    String text,
                                    boolean bFull)
        Creates a proto'ed TextNode. Modeled on Protoable.createProto().
      • getValue

        public String getValue()
        Gets this node's text value.
        the text value.
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(String value,
                             boolean bNotify,
                             boolean bDefault)
        Gets this node's text value.
        value - the text value.
      • isFragment

        public boolean isFragment()
        Is this TextNode here as a result of a fragment relationship?
        fragment state
      • isFragment

        public void isFragment​(boolean bFragment)
        Set the fragment state of this node
        bFragment - the fragment state