Interface MClass

    • Method Detail

      • setIsInterface

        void setIsInterface​(boolean b)
      • setIsAnnotationType

        void setIsAnnotationType​(boolean b)
      • setIsEnumType

        void setIsEnumType​(boolean b)
      • setSuperclass

        void setSuperclass​(String qualifiedClassName)
        Sets the class which this class extends. The class name must be fully- qualified. Pass null to make the class extend nothing.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the name is not a valid class name.
      • setSuperclassUnqualified

        void setSuperclassUnqualified​(String unqualifiedClassName)
        Sets the name of this class that this class extends. The name may or may nor be fully-qualified. Pass null to make the class extend nothing.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the name is not a valid class name.
      • setSuperclass

        void setSuperclass​(JClass clazz)
        Sets the class which this class extends. Pass null to make the class extend nothing.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given class cannot be extended (i.e. final classes, interfaces, void, primitives, arrays).
      • addInterface

        void addInterface​(String className)
        Adds to the list of interfaces implemented by this class.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the parameter is null or is not a valid class name.
      • addInterfaceUnqualified

        void addInterfaceUnqualified​(String unqualifiedClassName)
        Adds to the list of interfaces implemented by this class. The class name may or may not be qualified.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the parameter is null or is not a valid class name.
      • addInterface

        void addInterface​(JClass interf)
        Adds to the list of interfaces implemented by this class.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given class cannot be implemented (i.e. is not an interface).
      • removeInterface

        void removeInterface​(String className)
        Removes a named interface from the list of interfaces implemented by this class. Does nothing if the class does not implement the named interface.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the parameter is null or is not a valid class name.
      • removeInterface

        void removeInterface​(JClass interf)
        Removes an interface from the list of interfaces implemented by this class. Does nothing if the class does not implement the named interface.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the parameter is null or is not an interface.
      • addNewConstructor

        MConstructor addNewConstructor()
        Creates a new constructor, adds it to this class, and returns it.
      • removeConstructor

        void removeConstructor​(MConstructor constr)
        Removes a constructor from this class. Does nothing if the given constructor is not on this class.
      • getMutableConstructors

        MConstructor[] getMutableConstructors()
        Returns the constructors declared on this class. This does not include constructors from any base class or interface. This is simply a more strongly-typed version of getDeclaredConstructors().
      • addNewField

        MField addNewField()
        Creates a new field, adds it to this class, and returns it. The type of the field must be qualified
      • removeField

        void removeField​(MField field)
        Removes the given field from this class. Does nothing if this class does not contain the field.
      • getMutableFields

        MField[] getMutableFields()
        Returns the fields declared on this class. This does not include fields from any base class or interface. This is simply a more strongly-typed version of getDeclaredFields().
      • addNewMethod

        MMethod addNewMethod()
        Creates a new method, adds it to this class, and returns it.
      • removeMethod

        void removeMethod​(MMethod method)
        Removes the given method from this class. Does nothing if this class does not contain the method.
      • getMutableMethods

        MMethod[] getMutableMethods()
        Returns the EditableMethods declared on this class. This does not include methods inherited from any base class or interface. This is simply a more strongly-typed version of getDeclaredMethods().
      • removeProperty

        void removeProperty​(JProperty prop)
      • removeDeclaredProperty

        void removeDeclaredProperty​(JProperty prop)
      • addNewInnerClass

        MClass addNewInnerClass​(String name)
      • removeInnerClass

        void removeInnerClass​(MClass clazz)