Class Scope

    • Constructor Detail

      • Scope

        public Scope()
      • Scope

        public Scope​(int pos)
      • Scope

        public Scope​(int pos,
                     int len)
    • Method Detail

      • getParentScope

        public Scope getParentScope()
      • setParentScope

        public void setParentScope​(Scope parentScope)
        Sets parent scope
      • clearParentScope

        public void clearParentScope()
        Used only for code generation.
      • getChildScopes

        public List<Scope> getChildScopes()
        Return a list of the scopes whose parent is this scope.
        the list of scopes we enclose, or null if none
      • addChildScope

        public void addChildScope​(Scope child)
        Add a scope to our list of child scopes. Sets the child's parent scope to this scope.
        IllegalStateException - if the child's parent scope is non-null
      • replaceWith

        public void replaceWith​(Scope newScope)
        Used by the parser; not intended for typical use. Changes the parent-scope links for this scope's child scopes to the specified new scope. Copies symbols from this scope into new scope.
        newScope - the scope that will replace this one on the scope stack.
      • getTop

        public ScriptNode getTop()
        Returns current script or function scope
      • setTop

        public void setTop​(ScriptNode top)
        Sets top current script or function scope
      • splitScope

        public static Scope splitScope​(Scope scope)
        Creates a new scope node, moving symbol table information from "scope" to the new node, and making "scope" a nested scope contained by the new node. Useful for injecting a new scope in a scope chain.
      • joinScopes

        public static void joinScopes​(Scope source,
                                      Scope dest)
        Copies all symbols from source scope to dest scope.
      • getDefiningScope

        public Scope getDefiningScope​(String name)
        Returns the scope in which this name is defined
        name - the symbol to look up
        this Scope, one of its parent scopes, or null if the name is not defined any this scope chain
      • getSymbol

        public Symbol getSymbol​(String name)
        Looks up a symbol in this scope.
        name - the symbol name
        the Symbol, or null if not found
      • putSymbol

        public void putSymbol​(Symbol symbol)
        Enters a symbol into this scope.
      • getSymbolTable

        public Map<String,​Symbol> getSymbolTable()
        Returns the symbol table for this scope.
        the symbol table. May be null.
      • setSymbolTable

        public void setSymbolTable​(Map<String,​Symbol> table)
        Sets the symbol table for this scope. May be null.
      • getStatements

        public List<AstNode> getStatements()
        Returns a copy of the child list, with each child cast to an AstNode.
        ClassCastException - if any non-AstNode objects are in the child list, e.g. if this method is called after the code generator begins the tree transformation.
      • toSource

        public String toSource​(int depth)
        Description copied from class: AstNode
        Emits source code for this node. Callee is responsible for calling this function recursively on children, incrementing indent as appropriate.

        Note: if the parser was in error-recovery mode, some AST nodes may have null children that are expected to be non-null when no errors are present. In this situation, the behavior of the toSource method is undefined: toSource implementations may assume that the AST node is error-free, since it is intended to be invoked only at runtime after a successful parse.

        toSource in class Jump
        depth - the current recursion depth, typically beginning at 0 when called on the root node.
      • visit

        public void visit​(NodeVisitor v)
        Description copied from class: Jump
        Jumps are only used directly during code generation, and do not support this interface.
        visit in class Jump
        v - the object to call with this node and its children