Class PageArea

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class PageArea
    extends Container
    Functionality represented by the XFA element.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PageArea

        public PageArea​(Element parent,
                        Node prevSibling)
    • Method Detail

      • getContentAreaCount

        public int getContentAreaCount()
        Get the number of contentArea children.
        the number of contentArea children
      • getContentAreaHeight

        public UnitSpan getContentAreaHeight​(int nCA)
        Return the height of the contentArea at given index
        nCA - - the zero based index of contentArea
        the height as specified in contentArea
      • getContentAreaNode

        public ContentArea getContentAreaNode​(int nCA)
        Get the contentArea child given an index.
        nCA - - zero based index of child to return
        ContentAreanode at given index. A null node is returned if index is out of range.
      • getContentAreaNodes

        public List<Node> getContentAreaNodes()
        Returns a list of all the contentArea child nodes.
        list of contentArea child nodes
      • getContentAreaWidth

        public UnitSpan getContentAreaWidth​(int nCA)
        Return the width of the contentArea at given index
        nCA - - the zero based index of contentArea
        the width as specified in contentArea
      • getHeight

        public UnitSpan getHeight()
        Get the height of a pageArea
        the value of the 'h' attribute
      • getNextContentAreaNode

        public ContentArea getNextContentAreaNode​(ContentArea oCA)
        Return the next contentArea specified given a contentArea
      • getOrientation

        public EnumAttr getOrientation()
        Get the orientation of a pageArea
        the value of the 'orientation' attribute of the medium element, defaults to Portrait.
      • getPageContentNodes

        public List<Node> getPageContentNodes()
        Access the page content nodes - subforms,fields,draws,areas.
        a list of the page content nodes
      • getWidth

        public UnitSpan getWidth()
        Get the width of a pageArea
        the value of the 'w' attribute
      • hasPageContent

        public boolean hasPageContent()
        Query whether the pageArea has any content children.
        true if it does and false otherwise.
      • isHeightGrowSupported

        public boolean isHeightGrowSupported()
        Description copied from class: Container
        Returns whether or not this container support growable heights. This does not indicate whether the container height is currently growable, just whether it's supported by this container type.
        isHeightGrowSupported in class Container
      • isWidthGrowSupported

        public boolean isWidthGrowSupported()
        Description copied from class: Container
        Return whether or not this container support growable widths This does not indicate whether the container height is currently growable, just whether it's supported by this container type.

        Comments Helps distinguish - ie text draws supporting growing but arc draws do not.

        isWidthGrowSupported in class Container