Interface Peer

    • Method Detail

      • addPeer

        void addPeer​(Peer peerNode)
        Add a peer node to be notified of state changes.
        peerNode - - The reference to the peer object to be added.
      • addPeeredNode

        void addPeeredNode​(Peer peer)
      • clearPeers

        void clearPeers()
        Removes this node from all peer relationships.
      • deafen

        void deafen()
        Makes this peer deaf to any updateFromPeer calls made by notifyPeers
      • getPeer

        Peer getPeer​(int nPeer)
        return the requested peer
        nPeer - - the 0-based position of the peer to retrieve.
        the peer at the requested position. When there are not more peers to return, this will return a null object.
      • isDeaf

        boolean isDeaf()
        Checks if this peer is deaf.
        true if this peer does not listen to notifyPeer calls, else false.
      • isMute

        boolean isMute()
        Checks if this peer is mute.
        true if this peer does not notify its peers when notifyPeers is called, else false.
      • mute

        void mute()
        Makes this peer no longer notify its peers when notifyPeers is called
      • notifyPeers

        void notifyPeers​(int eventType,
                         String arg1,
                         Object arg2)
        Sends notification to the peer nodes that this object has changed.
        eventType - the event type as enumerated in this class
        arg1 - additional event information
        arg2 - additional event information
      • removePeer

        void removePeer​(Peer peerNode)
        Remove a peer node from the notification list.
        peerNode - the peer object to be removed
      • removePeeredNode

        void removePeeredNode​(Peer peer)
      • unDeafen

        void unDeafen()
        Allows this peer to receive updateFromPeer calls
      • unMute

        void unMute()
        Allows this peer to notify its peers when notifyPeers is called.
      • updateFromPeer

        void updateFromPeer​(Object peerNode,
                            int eventType,
                            String arg1,
                            Object arg2)
        This method will be called by the peer whenever its state changes.
         eventType                        (String)arg1  (Object)arg2
         UPDATED                          update type   (optional)
         ATTR_CHANGED                     attr name     (optional)
         CHILD_ADDED                      (optional)    added node
         CHILD_REMOVED                    (optional)    removed node
         VALUE_CHANGED                    new data      (optional)
         PARENT_CHANGED                   (optional)    new parent
         DESCENDENT_ATTR_CHANGED          attr name     changed node
         DESCENDENT_VALUE_CHANGED         (optional)    changed node
         DESCENDENT_ADDED                 (optional)    added node
         DESCENDENT_REMOVED               (optional)    removed node
         PERMS_LOCK_SET                   (optional)    (optional)
         PERMS_LOCK_CLEARED               (optional)    (optional)
         PROTO_ATTR_CHANGED               attr name     changed node
         PROTO_CHILD_ADDED                (optional)    added node of the protoype
         PROTO_CHILD_REMOVED              (optional)    removed node from the prototype
         PROTO_VALUE_CHANGED              new data      prototype node
         PROTO_DESCENDENT_ATTR_CHANGED    attr name     changed prototype node
         PROTO_DESCENDENT_VALUE_CHANGED   (optional)    changed prototype node
         PROTO_DESCENDENT_ADDED           (optional)    added node to the prototype
         PROTO_DESCENDENT_REMOVED         (optional)    removed node from the prototype
        peerNode - the peer to this object.
        eventType - the event type as enumerated in this class
        arg1 - additional event information
        arg2 - additional event information
      • peerRemoved

        void peerRemoved​(Peer peer)
        Called when this Peer is removed from peer. Derived classes can override this method to receive direct notifications when a peer is removed.
        peer - the Peer from which this Peer has been removed from notification.