Class SaveOfferRequest

  • public class SaveOfferRequest
    extends OfferBase
    A request object used to create an offer in Adobe Target
    • Constructor Detail

      • SaveOfferRequest

        public SaveOfferRequest​(long id,
                                String name,
                                String content)
        Constructs a SaveOfferRequest using the parameters required to update an offer
        id - the offer id, as assigned by Adobe Target. This cannot be 0
        name - the offer name
        content - the content of the offer
      • SaveOfferRequest

        public SaveOfferRequest​(String name,
                                String content)
        Constructs an object of this type using the minimal required to create an offer.
        name - the offer name
        content - the content of the offer
      • SaveOfferRequest

        public SaveOfferRequest​(String name,
                                String content,
                                String editUrl,
                                String remoteModifiedBy)
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Description copied from class: OfferBase
        Returns the name of the offer
        getName in class OfferBase
        a String object containing the offer name
      • getContentPath

        public String getContentPath()
        Description copied from class: OfferBase
        Returns the path of this offer from the AEM repository
        getContentPath in class OfferBase
        the offer path
      • getContent

        public String getContent()
        Description copied from class: OfferBase
        Returns the offer content, as set in Adobe Target
        getContent in class OfferBase
        the offer content. This is usually a callback to an AEM function which pulls the content from the repository