Enum TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus>
    Enclosing class:

    public static enum TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus
    extends Enum<TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus>
    Enum TranslationStatus. This is the complete list of statuses used with Translation Jobs and Translation Objects. Status is the principal means by Objects and Jobs are moved through the translation process. All STATUS values are set by the Translation Framework but for each status it has been noted (Set by the Vendor or Set by the Translation Framework) to indicated who will be invoking the call
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • DRAFT

        public static final TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus DRAFT
        DRAFT. (Set by the Translation Framework) The DRAFT status is the very first status in the Translation process. All objects that need to be translated or Translation Jobs begin in a DRAFT state.

        public static final TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus SUBMITTED
        SUBMITTED. (Set by the Translation Framework) The SUBMITTED state is returned when the content upload to the Translation vendor is complete.

        public static final TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus SCOPE_REQUESTED
        SCOPE_REQUESTED (Set by the Translation Framework) Scoping is the process in which text submitted for translation is tokenized and compared against existing Translation Memory (The existing pool of stored and subject relevant translations.) Scoping is generally provided by a translation service as a pre-translation courtesy to help estimate the total cost of the translation work to be done. If a match exists in translation memory then that match is returned. The scope returned by SCOPE_REQUESTED is generally speaking the difference between the total number of words submitted for translation and the number for words for which translations already exist in Translation Memory. This difference is also known as the number of words leveraged. SCOPE_REQUESTED state is returned when the content uploaded to the Translation vendor requires that scope be calculated by the translation vendor.

        public static final TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus SCOPE_COMPLETED
        SCOPE_COMPLETED. (Set by the Vendor) Scoping is the process in which the submitted text is tokenized and compared against a Translation memory. Scoping is generally Free for the customer. The Translation memory is the store/pool of existing translation. If a match exists in the translation memory, that match is returned. Scoping returns what is the scope for translation. Total number of words - Words already available in translation memory (leverage words). SCOPE_COMPLETED status is returned when a job is scoped to figure out how much translation is necessary. Scoping is an Optional Step.

        public static final TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus COMMITTED_FOR_TRANSLATION
        COMMITED_FOR_TRANSLATION. (Set by the Vendor) Finalizes the agreement for Translation. This is done after Scoping, and is a sign-off to the vendor to go and translated.

        public static final TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus TRANSLATION_IN_PROGRESS
        TRANSLATION_IN_PROGRESS. (Set by the Vendor) Status returned by the Vendor when translation has started for an object. Once the TRANSLATION_IN_PROGRESS status is returned, the translation can't be canceled.

        public static final TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus TRANSLATED
        TRANSLATED. (Set by the Vendor) Vendor communicates they have completed Translation of the Object or Job. This status indicates that the translation is complete, and ready for import.

        public static final TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus READY_FOR_REVIEW
        Ready for review. (Set by the Translation Framework) Once the status is returned as TRANSLATED, the Object is imported back and the status changes to READY_FOR_REVIEW
      • REJECTED

        public static final TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus REJECTED
        REJECTED. (Set by the Translation Framework, based on Customer action) If the translation needs rework, the customer can REJECT it for further cleanup.
      • APPROVED

        public static final TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus APPROVED
        APPROVED. (Set by the Translation Framework, based on Customer action) If the translation is satisfactory, the customer can APPROVE it.
      • COMPLETE

        public static final TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus COMPLETE
        COMPLETE. (Set by the Translation Framework, based on Customer action) The translation, payment and everything about the asset in question is COMPLETE. At this point, vendors should go ahead and update the translation memory.
      • CANCEL

        public static final TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus CANCEL
        CANCEL. (Set by the Translation Framework, based on Customer action) This is an intimation to the Translation provider to CANCEL the translation process. This can occur after Scoping or even when translation is in progress for a large job.
      • ARCHIVE

        public static final TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus ARCHIVE
        ARCHIVE. (Set by the Translation Framework, based on Customer action) If a translation job is COMPLETE, or CANCELED and doesn't belong in the UI anymore, the customer can choose to archive it.

        public static final TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus ERROR_UPDATE
        ERROR_UPDATE. (Set by the Translation Framework/Vendor) Indicates an ERROR in Synchronization. This could occur when uploading an asset to the vendor goes wrong or importing a translation fails.

        public static final TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus UNKNOWN_STATE
        UNKNOWN_STATE. (Set by the Translation Framework) Generic Try/Catch loop to cover any unforeseen ERRORS.
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus c : TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static TranslationConstants.TranslationStatus valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null