Class ZipShort

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static ZipShort ZERO
      ZipShort with a value of 0.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      ZipShort​(byte[] bytes)
      Create instance from bytes.
      ZipShort​(byte[] bytes, int offset)
      Create instance from the two bytes starting at offset.
      ZipShort​(int value)
      Create instance from a number.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Object clone()  
      boolean equals​(Object o)
      Override to make two instances with same value equal.
      byte[] getBytes()
      Get value as two bytes in big endian byte order.
      static byte[] getBytes​(int value)
      Get value as two bytes in big endian byte order.
      int getValue()
      Get value as Java int.
      static int getValue​(byte[] bytes)
      Helper method to get the value as a java int from a two-byte array
      static int getValue​(byte[] bytes, int offset)
      Helper method to get the value as a java int from two bytes starting at given array offset
      int hashCode()
      Override to make two instances with same value equal.
      static void putShort​(int value, byte[] buf, int offset)
      put the value as two bytes in big endian byte order.
      String toString()  
    • Field Detail

      • ZERO

        public static final ZipShort ZERO
        ZipShort with a value of 0.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ZipShort

        public ZipShort​(int value)
        Create instance from a number.
        value - the int to store as a ZipShort
      • ZipShort

        public ZipShort​(byte[] bytes)
        Create instance from bytes.
        bytes - the bytes to store as a ZipShort
      • ZipShort

        public ZipShort​(byte[] bytes,
                        int offset)
        Create instance from the two bytes starting at offset.
        bytes - the bytes to store as a ZipShort
        offset - the offset to start
    • Method Detail

      • getBytes

        public byte[] getBytes()
        Get value as two bytes in big endian byte order.
        the value as a a two byte array in big endian byte order
      • getValue

        public int getValue()
        Get value as Java int.
        value as a Java int
      • getBytes

        public static byte[] getBytes​(int value)
        Get value as two bytes in big endian byte order.
        value - the Java int to convert to bytes
        the converted int as a byte array in big endian byte order
      • putShort

        public static void putShort​(int value,
                                    byte[] buf,
                                    int offset)
        put the value as two bytes in big endian byte order.
        value - the Java int to convert to bytes
        buf - the output buffer
        offset - The offset within the output buffer of the first byte to be written. must be non-negative and no larger than buf.length-2
      • getValue

        public static int getValue​(byte[] bytes,
                                   int offset)
        Helper method to get the value as a java int from two bytes starting at given array offset
        bytes - the array of bytes
        offset - the offset to start
        the corresponding java int value
      • getValue

        public static int getValue​(byte[] bytes)
        Helper method to get the value as a java int from a two-byte array
        bytes - the array of bytes
        the corresponding java int value
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        Override to make two instances with same value equal.
        equals in class Object
        o - an object to compare
        true if the objects are equal
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Override to make two instances with same value equal.
        hashCode in class Object
        the value stored in the ZipShort
      • clone

        public Object clone()