Package org.joda.time

Class Duration

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<ReadableDuration>, ReadableDuration

    public final class Duration
    extends BaseDuration
    implements ReadableDuration, Serializable
    An immutable duration specifying a length of time in milliseconds.

    A duration is defined by a fixed number of milliseconds. There is no concept of fields, such as days or seconds, as these fields can vary in length.

    A duration may be converted to a Period to obtain field values. This conversion will typically cause a loss of precision.

    Duration is thread-safe and immutable.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • ZERO

        public static final Duration ZERO
        Constant representing zero millisecond duration
    • Constructor Detail

      • Duration

        public Duration​(long duration)
        Creates a duration from the given millisecond duration.
        duration - the duration, in milliseconds
      • Duration

        public Duration​(long startInstant,
                        long endInstant)
        Creates a duration from the given interval endpoints.
        startInstant - interval start, in milliseconds
        endInstant - interval end, in milliseconds
        ArithmeticException - if the duration exceeds a 64-bit long
      • Duration

        public Duration​(ReadableInstant start,
                        ReadableInstant end)
        Creates a duration from the given interval endpoints.
        start - interval start, null means now
        end - interval end, null means now
        ArithmeticException - if the duration exceeds a 64-bit long
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public static Duration parse​(String str)
        Parses a Duration from the specified string.

        This parses the format PTa.bS, as per AbstractDuration.toString().

        str - the string to parse, not null
      • standardDays

        public static Duration standardDays​(long days)
        Create a duration with the specified number of days assuming that there are the standard number of milliseconds in a day.

        This method assumes that there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute and 1000 milliseconds in a second. This will be true for most days, however days with Daylight Savings changes will not have 24 hours, so use this method with care.

        A Duration is a representation of an amount of time. If you want to express the concept of 'days' you should consider using the Days class.

        days - the number of standard days in this duration
        the duration, never null
        ArithmeticException - if the days value is too large
      • standardHours

        public static Duration standardHours​(long hours)
        Create a duration with the specified number of hours assuming that there are the standard number of milliseconds in an hour.

        This method assumes that there are 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute and 1000 milliseconds in a second. All currently supplied chronologies use this definition.

        A Duration is a representation of an amount of time. If you want to express the concept of 'hours' you should consider using the Hours class.

        hours - the number of standard hours in this duration
        the duration, never null
        ArithmeticException - if the hours value is too large
      • standardMinutes

        public static Duration standardMinutes​(long minutes)
        Create a duration with the specified number of minutes assuming that there are the standard number of milliseconds in a minute.

        This method assumes that there are 60 seconds in a minute and 1000 milliseconds in a second. All currently supplied chronologies use this definition.

        A Duration is a representation of an amount of time. If you want to express the concept of 'minutes' you should consider using the Minutes class.

        minutes - the number of standard minutes in this duration
        the duration, never null
        ArithmeticException - if the minutes value is too large
      • standardSeconds

        public static Duration standardSeconds​(long seconds)
        Create a duration with the specified number of seconds assuming that there are the standard number of milliseconds in a second.

        This method assumes that there are 1000 milliseconds in a second. All currently supplied chronologies use this definition.

        A Duration is a representation of an amount of time. If you want to express the concept of 'seconds' you should consider using the Seconds class.

        seconds - the number of standard seconds in this duration
        the duration, never null
        ArithmeticException - if the seconds value is too large
      • millis

        public static Duration millis​(long millis)
        Create a duration with the specified number of milliseconds.
        millis - the number of standard milliseconds in this duration
        the duration, never null
      • getStandardDays

        public long getStandardDays()
        Gets the length of this duration in days assuming that there are the standard number of milliseconds in a day.

        This method assumes that there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute and 1000 milliseconds in a second. This will be true for most days, however days with Daylight Savings changes will not have 24 hours, so use this method with care.

        This returns getMillis() / MILLIS_PER_DAY. The result is an integer division, thus excess milliseconds are truncated.

        the length of the duration in standard days
      • getStandardHours

        public long getStandardHours()
        Gets the length of this duration in hours assuming that there are the standard number of milliseconds in an hour.

        This method assumes that there are 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute and 1000 milliseconds in a second. All currently supplied chronologies use this definition.

        This returns getMillis() / MILLIS_PER_HOUR. The result is an integer division, thus excess milliseconds are truncated.

        the length of the duration in standard hours
      • getStandardMinutes

        public long getStandardMinutes()
        Gets the length of this duration in minutes assuming that there are the standard number of milliseconds in a minute.

        This method assumes that there are 60 seconds in a minute and 1000 milliseconds in a second. All currently supplied chronologies use this definition.

        This returns getMillis() / MILLIS_PER_MINUTE. The result is an integer division, thus excess milliseconds are truncated.

        the length of the duration in standard minutes
      • getStandardSeconds

        public long getStandardSeconds()
        Gets the length of this duration in seconds assuming that there are the standard number of milliseconds in a second.

        This method assumes that there are 1000 milliseconds in a second. All currently supplied chronologies use this definition.

        This returns getMillis() / 1000. The result is an integer division, so 2999 millis returns 2 seconds.

        the length of the duration in standard seconds
      • toStandardDays

        public Days toStandardDays()
        Converts this duration to a period in days assuming that there are the standard number of milliseconds in a day.

        This method assumes that there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute and 1000 milliseconds in a second. This will be true for most days, however days with Daylight Savings changes will not have 24 hours, so use this method with care.

        a period representing the number of standard days in this period, never null
        ArithmeticException - if the number of days is too large to be represented
      • toStandardHours

        public Hours toStandardHours()
        Converts this duration to a period in hours assuming that there are the standard number of milliseconds in an hour.

        This method assumes that there are 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute and 1000 milliseconds in a second. All currently supplied chronologies use this definition.

        a period representing the number of standard hours in this period, never null
        ArithmeticException - if the number of hours is too large to be represented
      • toStandardMinutes

        public Minutes toStandardMinutes()
        Converts this duration to a period in minutes assuming that there are the standard number of milliseconds in a minute.

        This method assumes that there are 60 seconds in a minute and 1000 milliseconds in a second. All currently supplied chronologies use this definition.

        a period representing the number of standard minutes in this period, never null
        ArithmeticException - if the number of minutes is too large to be represented
      • toStandardSeconds

        public Seconds toStandardSeconds()
        Converts this duration to a period in seconds assuming that there are the standard number of milliseconds in a second.

        This method assumes that there are 1000 milliseconds in a second. All currently supplied chronologies use this definition.

        a period representing the number of standard seconds in this period, never null
        ArithmeticException - if the number of seconds is too large to be represented
      • withMillis

        public Duration withMillis​(long duration)
        Creates a new Duration instance with a different millisecond length.
        duration - the new length of the duration
        the new duration instance
      • withDurationAdded

        public Duration withDurationAdded​(long durationToAdd,
                                          int scalar)
        Returns a new duration with this length plus that specified multiplied by the scalar. This instance is immutable and is not altered.

        If the addition is zero, this instance is returned.

        durationToAdd - the duration to add to this one
        scalar - the amount of times to add, such as -1 to subtract once
        the new duration instance
      • withDurationAdded

        public Duration withDurationAdded​(ReadableDuration durationToAdd,
                                          int scalar)
        Returns a new duration with this length plus that specified multiplied by the scalar. This instance is immutable and is not altered.

        If the addition is zero, this instance is returned.

        durationToAdd - the duration to add to this one, null means zero
        scalar - the amount of times to add, such as -1 to subtract once
        the new duration instance
      • plus

        public Duration plus​(long amount)
        Returns a new duration with this length plus that specified. This instance is immutable and is not altered.

        If the addition is zero, this instance is returned.

        amount - the duration to add to this one
        the new duration instance
      • plus

        public Duration plus​(ReadableDuration amount)
        Returns a new duration with this length plus that specified. This instance is immutable and is not altered.

        If the amount is zero, this instance is returned.

        amount - the duration to add to this one, null means zero
        the new duration instance
      • minus

        public Duration minus​(long amount)
        Returns a new duration with this length minus that specified. This instance is immutable and is not altered.

        If the addition is zero, this instance is returned.

        amount - the duration to take away from this one
        the new duration instance
      • minus

        public Duration minus​(ReadableDuration amount)
        Returns a new duration with this length minus that specified. This instance is immutable and is not altered.

        If the amount is zero, this instance is returned.

        amount - the duration to take away from this one, null means zero
        the new duration instance
      • multipliedBy

        public Duration multipliedBy​(long multiplicand)
        Returns a new duration with this length multiplied by the specified multiplicand. This instance is immutable and is not altered.

        If the multiplicand is one, this instance is returned.

        multiplicand - the multiplicand to multiply this one by
        the new duration instance
      • dividedBy

        public Duration dividedBy​(long divisor)
        Returns a new duration with this length divided by the specified divisor. This instance is immutable and is not altered.

        If the divisor is one, this instance is returned.

        divisor - the divisor to divide this one by
        the new duration instance
      • dividedBy

        public Duration dividedBy​(long divisor,
                                  RoundingMode roundingMode)
        Returns a new duration with its length divided by the specified divisor. RoundingMode can be specified. This instance is immutable and is not altered.

        If the divisor is one, this instance is returned.

        divisor - the divisor to divide this one by
        roundingMode - the type of rounding desired
        the new duration instance
      • negated

        public Duration negated()
        Returns a new duration with this length negated. This instance is immutable and is not altered.
        the new duration instance
      • abs

        public Duration abs()
        Returns a duration that has a positive or zero number of milliseconds.

        This instance is immutable and is not altered.

        the absolute duration instance