Interface Scene7Asset

    • Method Detail

      • getAssetType

        Scene7AssetType getAssetType()
        Get the type of this asset
        A Scene7AssetType identifying this asset type
      • getAssetTypeStr

        String getAssetTypeStr()
        Get the asset type as read from Scene7
        A String object containing the actual Scene7 type string
      • getAssetSubTypeStr

        String getAssetSubTypeStr()
        Get the asset's subtype string from Scene7 (if appliable)
        A String object containing the Scene7 subtype string
      • getName

        String getName()
        Get the name of this asset
        String object containing the asset's name
      • getAssetHandle

        String getAssetHandle()
        Get this asset handle
        String object with this asset's handle
      • getFileName

        String getFileName()
        Get the file name where the asset is stored
        String containing the file name of the asset
      • getFolder

        String getFolder()
        Get the folder where this asset is stored
        String containing the folder path of the asset
      • getFolderHandle

        String getFolderHandle()
        Get the Scene7 folder handle of the folder containing this asset
        String object containing a Scene7 folder handle
      • getCreatedBy

        String getCreatedBy()
        Get the user that created this asset
        String object containing the username of the user that created this asset
      • getModifiedBy

        String getModifiedBy()
        Get the user that last modified this asset
        String object containing the username of the user that last modified this asset
      • getCreatedDate

        Date getCreatedDate()
        Get the creation date of this asset
        Date object with the creation time of the asset
      • getModifiedDate

        Date getModifiedDate()
        Get the last modified date of this asset
        Date object with the time the asset was last modified
      • getOriginalFile

        String getOriginalFile()
        Get the original file uploaded to Scene7 for this asset
        String object containing the original file of this asset
      • getOriginalPath

        String getOriginalPath()
        Get the original path of the file uploaded to Scene7 for this asset
        String object containing the original path for this asset
      • getIpsImageUrl

        String getIpsImageUrl()
        Get the ips url for this asset
        String object containing the ips url for this asset
      • getSubAssets

        List<Scene7Asset> getSubAssets()
        Get the list of this asset's sub-assets
        a List with the Scene7Asset assets linked to this asset
      • addSubAsset

        void addSubAsset​(Scene7Asset subAsset)
        Adds a new sub-asset to the current asset
        subAsset - a Scene7Asset object to be added as a sub-asset of the current asset
      • getOriginatorAsset

        Scene7Asset getOriginatorAsset()
        Gets the originator asset for this asset Should only return a valid asset if the current asset was generated from another uploaded asset (e.g. a Template asset is usually generated after importing a PSD into Scene7; the original uploaded PSD will be the Template asset's originator)
        a Scene7Asset object holding this asset's originator asset
      • updateOriginatorAsset

        void updateOriginatorAsset​(Scene7Asset originator)
        Updates the originator asset of the current asset
        originator - the new Scene7Asset originator of the current asset
      • getWidth

        Long getWidth()
        Get the width of this asset
        a Long object containing the width of this asset
      • getHeight

        Long getHeight()
        Get the height of this asset
        a Long object containing the height of this asset
      • getUrlModifier

        String getUrlModifier()
        Get the url modified of this asset
        a String object containing the url modifier of this asset
      • getViewerPresetType

        String getViewerPresetType()
        Get the viewer preset type of this asset
        a String object containing the viewer preset type
      • getViewerPresetConfigurationSettings

        Map<String,​String> getViewerPresetConfigurationSettings()
        Get a map containing the viewer preset configuration for this asset
        a Map that store the name-value pairs found in the viewer preset configuration of the asset
      • getRootFolder

        String getRootFolder()
        Returns the root folder or an empty String if no folder is specified for this asset.
        path to Root folder
      • isPublished

        boolean isPublished()
        Gets the publish status of this asset
        a Boolean indicating if this asset is published or not
      • getFileSize

        Integer getFileSize()
        Gets the size in bytes of the file where the asset is stored
        an Integer containing the file size
      • getVideoEncodingPresetId

        String getVideoEncodingPresetId()
        Gets the video encoding preset id for this asset, if this is a video scene7 asset
        a String containing the video encoding preset for a video scene7 asset
      • getSmartCrop

        Scene7SmartCrop getSmartCrop()
        Gets the Scene7SmartCrop object (if exists) associated with this asset
        Scene7SmartCrop object
      • getVideoProperties

        Map<String,​String> getVideoProperties()
        Returns a map with video properties such as duration, bit rate of the asset if its a video, null otherwise
        a java.util.Map