Interface DistributionContentSerializer

  • @ConsumerType
    public interface DistributionContentSerializer
    A content serializer used to convert distribution payloads to and from binary streams.
    • Method Detail

      • exportToStream

        void exportToStream​(ResourceResolver resourceResolver,
                            DistributionExportOptions exportOptions,
                            OutputStream outputStream)
                     throws DistributionException
        extracts the resources identified by the given request into the given outputStream
        resourceResolver - the resource resolver used to access resources to export
        exportOptions - export options
        outputStream - the output stream
        DistributionException - if extraction fails for some reason
      • getName

        String getName()
        retrieve the name of this content serializer
        the name of this content serializer
      • isRequestFiltering

        boolean isRequestFiltering()
        whether or not this DistributionContentSerializer can build package filters for including / excluding certain resources / attributes directly from a DistributionRequest
        true if it can build filters from a request, false otherwise