Class WSDLDocument

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WSDLDocument
    extends WSDLNode
    WSDLDocument is the top node in the overall WSDL DOM.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WSDLDocument

        public WSDLDocument()
    • Method Detail

      • loadFromFile

        public static WSDLDocument loadFromFile​(String sFilename,
                                                String sLoadOptions)
        Loads a file/datasource into a document from a file, and creates an abstract schema hierarchy for it.
        sFilename - - the name of the file that contains the data to load.
        sLoadOptions - - (optional) loading options.
        The created abstract schema model
        AS_INVALIDDTDEXCEPTION - - thrown if an invalid DTD definition is encountered
        AS_CREATESCHEMAEXCEPTION - - thrown if failed to load and create an XML Schema definition
        AS_INVALIDELEMENTNAMEEXCEPTION - - thrown if schema defines an invalid name for an element declaration
      • loadFromStream

        public static WSDLDocument loadFromStream​(InputStream oStream,
                                                  String sFilename,
                                                  String sLoadOptions)
        Loads a file/datasource into a model from a stream, and creates an abstract schema hierarchy for it.
        oStream - - The stream that contains the data to load.
        sFilename - - Input file name.
        sLoadOptions - - (optional) loading options.
        The created abstract schema model
        AS_INVALIDDTDEXCEPTION - - thrown if an invalid DTD definition is encountered
        AS_CREATESCHEMAEXCEPTION - - thrown if failed to load and create an XML Schema definition
        AS_INVALIDELEMENTNAMEEXCEPTION - - thrown if schema defines an invalid name for an element declaration
      • getDefinitionsNode

        public WSDLNode getDefinitionsNode()
        Get the definitions node
        the WSDLNode that is the definitions node of type WSDL_DEFINITIONS
      • getTargetNS

        public String getTargetNS()
        Get the target namespace specifed by the WSDL
        the target namespace URI
      • getOpenFileName

        public String getOpenFileName()
        Get the uri where this WSDL originally resides
        the uri where this WSDL originally resides
      • getCurrentFileName

        public String getCurrentFileName()