Package org.json

Class XMLParserConfiguration

  • @Deprecated
    public class XMLParserConfiguration
    extends ParserConfiguration
    Configuration object for the XML parser. The configuration is immutable.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Default parser configuration.
      XMLParserConfiguration​(boolean keepStrings)
      This constructor has been deprecated in favor of using the new builder pattern for the configuration.
      XMLParserConfiguration​(boolean keepStrings, java.lang.String cDataTagName)
      This constructor has been deprecated in favor of using the new builder pattern for the configuration.
      XMLParserConfiguration​(boolean keepStrings, java.lang.String cDataTagName, boolean convertNilAttributeToNull)
      This constructor has been deprecated in favor of using the new builder pattern for the configuration.
      XMLParserConfiguration​(java.lang.String cDataTagName)
      This constructor has been deprecated in favor of using the new builder pattern for the configuration.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String getcDataTagName()
      The name of the key in a JSON Object that indicates a CDATA section.
      java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getForceList()
      When parsing the XML into JSON, specifies that tags that will be converted to arrays in this configuration Set<String> to parse the provided tags' values as arrays
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​XMLXsiTypeConverter<?>> getXsiTypeMap()
      When parsing the XML into JSON, specifies that the values with attribute xsi:type will be converted to target type defined to client in this configuration Map<String, XMLXsiTypeConverter<?>> to parse values with attribute xsi:type="integer" as integer, xsi:type="string" as string
      boolean isConvertNilAttributeToNull()
      When parsing the XML into JSON, specifies if values with attribute xsi:nil="true" should be kept as attribute(false), or they should be converted to null(true)
      XMLParserConfiguration withcDataTagName​(java.lang.String newVal)
      The name of the key in a JSON Object that indicates a CDATA section.
      XMLParserConfiguration withConvertNilAttributeToNull​(boolean newVal)
      When parsing the XML into JSON, specifies if values with attribute xsi:nil="true" should be kept as attribute(false), or they should be converted to null(true)
      XMLParserConfiguration withForceList​(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> forceList)
      When parsing the XML into JSON, specifies that tags that will be converted to arrays in this configuration Set<String> to parse the provided tags' values as arrays
      XMLParserConfiguration withKeepStrings​(boolean newVal)
      When parsing the XML into JSON, specifies if values should be kept as strings (true), or if they should try to be guessed into JSON values (numeric, boolean, string)
      XMLParserConfiguration withMaxNestingDepth​(int maxNestingDepth)
      Defines the maximum nesting depth that the parser will descend before throwing an exception when parsing the XML into JSON.
      XMLParserConfiguration withXsiTypeMap​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​XMLXsiTypeConverter<?>> xsiTypeMap)
      When parsing the XML into JSON, specifies that the values with attribute xsi:type will be converted to target type defined to client in this configuration Map<String, XMLXsiTypeConverter<?>> to parse values with attribute xsi:type="integer" as integer, xsi:type="string" as string
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • ORIGINAL

        public static final XMLParserConfiguration ORIGINAL
        Original Configuration of the XML Parser.

        public static final XMLParserConfiguration KEEP_STRINGS
        Original configuration of the XML Parser except that values are kept as strings.
    • Constructor Detail

      • XMLParserConfiguration

        public XMLParserConfiguration()
        Default parser configuration. Does not keep strings (tries to implicitly convert values), and the CDATA Tag Name is "content".
      • XMLParserConfiguration

        public XMLParserConfiguration​(boolean keepStrings)
        This constructor has been deprecated in favor of using the new builder pattern for the configuration. This constructor may be removed in a future release.
        Configure the parser string processing and use the default CDATA Tag Name as "content".
        keepStrings - true to parse all values as string. false to try and convert XML string values into a JSON value.
      • XMLParserConfiguration

        public XMLParserConfiguration​(java.lang.String cDataTagName)
        This constructor has been deprecated in favor of using the new builder pattern for the configuration. This constructor may be removed in a future release.
        Configure the parser string processing to try and convert XML values to JSON values and use the passed CDATA Tag Name the processing value. Pass null to disable CDATA processing
        cDataTagName - null to disable CDATA processing. Any other value to use that value as the JSONObject key name to process as CDATA.
      • XMLParserConfiguration

        public XMLParserConfiguration​(boolean keepStrings,
                                      java.lang.String cDataTagName)
        This constructor has been deprecated in favor of using the new builder pattern for the configuration. This constructor may be removed in a future release.
        Configure the parser to use custom settings.
        keepStrings - true to parse all values as string. false to try and convert XML string values into a JSON value.
        cDataTagName - null to disable CDATA processing. Any other value to use that value as the JSONObject key name to process as CDATA.
      • XMLParserConfiguration

        public XMLParserConfiguration​(boolean keepStrings,
                                      java.lang.String cDataTagName,
                                      boolean convertNilAttributeToNull)
        This constructor has been deprecated in favor of using the new builder pattern for the configuration. This constructor may be removed or marked private in a future release.
        Configure the parser to use custom settings.
        keepStrings - true to parse all values as string. false to try and convert XML string values into a JSON value.
        cDataTagName - null to disable CDATA processing. Any other value to use that value as the JSONObject key name to process as CDATA.
        convertNilAttributeToNull - true to parse values with attribute xsi:nil="true" as null. false to parse values with attribute xsi:nil="true" as {"xsi:nil":true}.
    • Method Detail

      • withKeepStrings

        public XMLParserConfiguration withKeepStrings​(boolean newVal)
        When parsing the XML into JSON, specifies if values should be kept as strings (true), or if they should try to be guessed into JSON values (numeric, boolean, string)
        withKeepStrings in class ParserConfiguration
        newVal - new value to use for the keepStrings configuration option.
        The existing configuration will not be modified. A new configuration is returned.
      • getcDataTagName

        public java.lang.String getcDataTagName()
        The name of the key in a JSON Object that indicates a CDATA section. Historically this has been the value "content" but can be changed. Use null to indicate no CDATA processing.
        The cDataTagName configuration value.
      • withcDataTagName

        public XMLParserConfiguration withcDataTagName​(java.lang.String newVal)
        The name of the key in a JSON Object that indicates a CDATA section. Historically this has been the value "content" but can be changed. Use null to indicate no CDATA processing.
        newVal - new value to use for the cDataTagName configuration option.
        The existing configuration will not be modified. A new configuration is returned.
      • isConvertNilAttributeToNull

        public boolean isConvertNilAttributeToNull()
        When parsing the XML into JSON, specifies if values with attribute xsi:nil="true" should be kept as attribute(false), or they should be converted to null(true)
        The convertNilAttributeToNull configuration value.
      • withConvertNilAttributeToNull

        public XMLParserConfiguration withConvertNilAttributeToNull​(boolean newVal)
        When parsing the XML into JSON, specifies if values with attribute xsi:nil="true" should be kept as attribute(false), or they should be converted to null(true)
        newVal - new value to use for the convertNilAttributeToNull configuration option.
        The existing configuration will not be modified. A new configuration is returned.
      • getXsiTypeMap

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​XMLXsiTypeConverter<?>> getXsiTypeMap()
        When parsing the XML into JSON, specifies that the values with attribute xsi:type will be converted to target type defined to client in this configuration Map<String, XMLXsiTypeConverter<?>> to parse values with attribute xsi:type="integer" as integer, xsi:type="string" as string
        xsiTypeMap unmodifiable configuration map.
      • withXsiTypeMap

        public XMLParserConfiguration withXsiTypeMap​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​XMLXsiTypeConverter<?>> xsiTypeMap)
        When parsing the XML into JSON, specifies that the values with attribute xsi:type will be converted to target type defined to client in this configuration Map<String, XMLXsiTypeConverter<?>> to parse values with attribute xsi:type="integer" as integer, xsi:type="string" as string
        xsiTypeMap - new HashMap<String, XMLXsiTypeConverter<?>>() to parse values with attribute xsi:type="integer" as integer, xsi:type="string" as string
        The existing configuration will not be modified. A new configuration is returned.
      • getForceList

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getForceList()
        When parsing the XML into JSON, specifies that tags that will be converted to arrays in this configuration Set<String> to parse the provided tags' values as arrays
        forceList unmodifiable configuration set.
      • withForceList

        public XMLParserConfiguration withForceList​(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> forceList)
        When parsing the XML into JSON, specifies that tags that will be converted to arrays in this configuration Set<String> to parse the provided tags' values as arrays
        forceList - new HashSet<String>() to parse the provided tags' values as arrays
        The existing configuration will not be modified. A new configuration is returned.
      • withMaxNestingDepth

        public XMLParserConfiguration withMaxNestingDepth​(int maxNestingDepth)
        Defines the maximum nesting depth that the parser will descend before throwing an exception when parsing the XML into JSON. The default max nesting depth is 512, which means the parser will throw a JsonException if the maximum depth is reached. Using any negative value as a parameter is equivalent to setting no limit to the nesting depth, which means the parses will go as deep as the maximum call stack size allows.
        withMaxNestingDepth in class ParserConfiguration
        maxNestingDepth - the maximum nesting depth allowed to the XML parser
        The existing configuration will not be modified. A new configuration is returned.