Class AgileEncryptionVerifier

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.apache.poi.common.Duplicatable, GenericRecord

    public class AgileEncryptionVerifier
    extends EncryptionVerifier
    Used when checking if a key is valid for a document
    • Constructor Detail

      • AgileEncryptionVerifier

        public AgileEncryptionVerifier​(java.lang.String descriptor)
    • Method Detail

      • getKeySize

        public int getKeySize()
        The keysize (in bits) of the verifier data. This usually equals the keysize of the header, but only on a few exceptions, like files generated by Office for Mac, can be different.
        the keysize (in bits) of the verifier.
      • getBlockSize

        public int getBlockSize()
        The blockSize (in bytes) of the verifier data. This usually equals the blocksize of the header.
        the blockSize (in bytes) of the verifier,
      • setKeySize

        public void setKeySize​(int keyBits)
        Sets the keysize (in bits) of the verifier
        keyBits - the keysize (in bits)
      • setBlockSize

        public void setBlockSize​(int blockSize)
        Sets the blockSize (in bytes) of the verifier
        blockSize - the blockSize (in bytes)