Class ExternSheetRecord

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.apache.poi.common.Duplicatable, GenericRecord

    public class ExternSheetRecord
    extends StandardRecord
    EXTERNSHEET (0x0017)

    A List of Indexes to EXTERNALBOOK (supplemental book) Records

    • Constructor Detail

      • ExternSheetRecord

        public ExternSheetRecord()
    • Method Detail

      • getNumOfRefs

        public int getNumOfRefs()
        number of REF structures
      • addREFRecord

        public void addREFRecord​(org.apache.poi.hssf.record.ExternSheetRecord.RefSubRecord rec)
        adds REF struct (ExternSheetSubRecord)
        rec - REF struct
      • getNumOfREFRecords

        public int getNumOfREFRecords()
        returns the number of REF Records, which is in model
        number of REF records
      • removeSheet

        public void removeSheet​(int sheetIdx)
      • getSid

        public short getSid()
        return the non static version of the id for this record.
        Specified by:
        getSid in class Record
        he id for this record
      • getExtbookIndexFromRefIndex

        public int getExtbookIndexFromRefIndex​(int refIndex)
        refIndex - specifies the n-th refIndex
        the index of the SupBookRecord for this index
      • findRefIndexFromExtBookIndex

        public int findRefIndexFromExtBookIndex​(int extBookIndex)
        extBookIndex - external sheet reference index
        -1 if not found
      • getFirstSheetIndexFromRefIndex

        public int getFirstSheetIndexFromRefIndex​(int extRefIndex)
        Returns the first sheet that the reference applies to, or -1 if the referenced sheet can't be found, or -2 if the reference is workbook scoped.
        extRefIndex - external sheet reference index
        the first sheet that the reference applies to, or -1 if the referenced sheet can't be found, or -2 if the reference is workbook scoped
      • getLastSheetIndexFromRefIndex

        public int getLastSheetIndexFromRefIndex​(int extRefIndex)
        Returns the last sheet that the reference applies to, or -1 if the referenced sheet can't be found, or -2 if the reference is workbook scoped. For a single sheet reference, the first and last should be the same.
        extRefIndex - external sheet reference index
        the last sheet that the reference applies to, or -1 if the referenced sheet can't be found, or -2 if the reference is workbook scoped.
      • addRef

        public int addRef​(int extBookIndex,
                          int firstSheetIndex,
                          int lastSheetIndex)
        Add a zero-based reference to a SupBookRecord.

        If the type of the SupBook record is same-sheet referencing, Add-In referencing, DDE data source referencing, or OLE data source referencing, then no scope is specified and this value MUST be -2. Otherwise, the scope must be set as follows:

        1. -2 Workbook-level reference that applies to the entire workbook.
        2. -1 Sheet-level reference.
        3. >=0 Sheet-level reference. This specifies the first sheet in the reference.

          If the SupBook type is unused or external workbook referencing, then this value specifies the zero-based index of an external sheet name, see SupBookRecord.getSheetNames(). This referenced string specifies the name of the first sheet within the external workbook that is in scope. This sheet MUST be a worksheet or macro sheet.

          If the supporting link type is self-referencing, then this value specifies the zero-based index of a BoundSheetRecord record in the workbook stream that specifies the first sheet within the scope of this reference. This sheet MUST be a worksheet or a macro sheet.

        extBookIndex - the external book block index
        firstSheetIndex - the scope, must be -2 for add-in references
        lastSheetIndex - the scope, must be -2 for add-in references
        index of newly added ref
      • getRefIxForSheet

        public int getRefIxForSheet​(int externalBookIndex,
                                    int firstSheetIndex,
                                    int lastSheetIndex)
      • getGenericProperties

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.function.Supplier<?>> getGenericProperties()