Interface RemovalListener<K,​V>

  • Type Parameters:
    K - the most general type of keys this listener can listen for; for example Object if any key is acceptable
    V - the most general type of values this listener can listen for; for example Object if any key is acceptable

    public interface RemovalListener<K,​V>
    The Google Guava Core Libraries are deprecated and will not be part of the AEM SDK after April 2023
    An object that can receive a notification when an entry is removed from a cache. The removal resulting in notification could have occured to an entry being manually removed or replaced, or due to eviction resulting from timed expiration, exceeding a maximum size, or garbage collection.

    An instance may be called concurrently by multiple threads to process different entries. Implementations of this interface should avoid performing blocking calls or synchronizing on shared resources.

    • Method Detail

      • onRemoval

        void onRemoval​(RemovalNotification<K,​V> notification)
        Notifies the listener that a removal occurred at some point in the past.