Class HSLFShape

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    HSLFBackground, HSLFGroupShape, HSLFSimpleShape

    public abstract class HSLFShape
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements Shape<HSLFShape,​HSLFTextParagraph>
    Represents a Shape which is the elemental object that composes a drawing. This class is a wrapper around EscherSpContainer which holds all information about a shape in PowerPoint document.

    When you add a shape, you usually specify the dimensions of the shape and the position of the upper'left corner of the bounding box for the shape relative to the upper'left corner of the page, worksheet, or slide. Distances in the drawing layer are measured in points (72 points = 1 inch).

    • Method Detail

      • getShapeType

        public ShapeType getShapeType()
      • setShapeType

        public void setShapeType​(ShapeType type)
      • getAnchor

        public java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getAnchor()
        Returns the anchor (the bounding box rectangle) of this shape. All coordinates are expressed in points (72 dpi).
        Specified by:
        getAnchor in interface Shape<HSLFShape,​HSLFTextParagraph>
        the anchor of this shape
      • setAnchor

        public void setAnchor​(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D anchor)
        Sets the anchor (the bounding box rectangle) of this shape. All coordinates should be expressed in points (72 dpi).
        anchor - new anchor
      • moveTo

        public final void moveTo​(double x,
                                 double y)
        Moves the top left corner of the shape to the specified point.
        x - the x coordinate of the top left corner of the shape
        y - the y coordinate of the top left corner of the shape
      • getEscherChild

        public static <T extends EscherRecord> T getEscherChild​(EscherContainerRecord owner,
                                                                int recordId)
        Helper method to return escher child by record ID
        escher record or null if not found.
      • getEscherChild

        public <T extends EscherRecord> T getEscherChild​(int recordId)
      • setEscherProperty

        public static void setEscherProperty​(AbstractEscherOptRecord opt,
                                             EscherPropertyTypes propType,
                                             int value)
        Set an escher property for this shape.
        opt - The opt record to set the properties to.
        propType - The type of the property.
        value - value of the property. If value = -1 then the property is removed.
      • setEscherProperty

        public void setEscherProperty​(short propId,
                                      int value)
        Set an simple escher property for this shape.
        propId - The id of the property. One of the constants defined in EscherOptRecord.
        value - value of the property. If value = -1 then the property is removed.
      • setEscherProperty

        public void setEscherProperty​(EscherPropertyTypes propType,
                                      int value)
        Set an simple escher property for this shape.
        propType - The type of the property.
        value - value of the property. If value = -1 then the property is removed.
      • getEscherProperty

        public int getEscherProperty​(short propId)
        Get the value of a simple escher property for this shape.
        propId - The id of the property. One of the constants defined in EscherOptRecord.
      • getEscherProperty

        public int getEscherProperty​(EscherPropertyTypes propType)
        Get the value of a simple escher property for this shape.
        propType - The type of the property. One of the constants defined in EscherOptRecord.
      • getEscherProperty

        public int getEscherProperty​(short propId,
                                     int defaultValue)
        Get the value of a simple escher property for this shape.
        propId - The id of the property. One of the constants defined in EscherOptRecord.
      • getEscherProperty

        public int getEscherProperty​(EscherPropertyTypes type,
                                     int defaultValue)
        Get the value of a simple escher property for this shape.
        type - The type of the property.
      • getSpContainer

        public EscherContainerRecord getSpContainer()
        The shape container and its children that can represent this shape.
      • setSheet

        public void setSheet​(HSLFSheet sheet)
        Assign the SlideShow this shape belongs to
        sheet - owner of this shape
      • getShapeId

        public int getShapeId()
        Description copied from interface: Shape
        Returns a unique identifier for this shape within the current slide. This ID may be used to assist in uniquely identifying this object so that it can be referred to by other parts of the document.

        If multiple objects within the same slide share the same id attribute value, then the document shall be considered non-conformant.

        Specified by:
        getShapeId in interface Shape<HSLFShape,​HSLFTextParagraph>
        unique id of this shape
      • setShapeId

        public void setShapeId​(int id)
        Sets shape ID
        id - of the shape
      • getFill

        public HSLFFill getFill()
        Fill properties of this shape
        fill properties of this shape
      • getFillStyle

        public FillStyle getFillStyle()
      • draw

        public void draw​(java.awt.Graphics2D graphics,
                         java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D bounds)
        Description copied from interface: Shape
        Convenience method to draw a single shape
        Specified by:
        draw in interface Shape<HSLFShape,​HSLFTextParagraph>
        graphics - the graphics context
        bounds - the rectangle to fit the shape to. if null, the bounds of the shape are used.
      • getFlipHorizontal

        public boolean getFlipHorizontal()
      • setFlipHorizontal

        public void setFlipHorizontal​(boolean flip)
      • getFlipVertical

        public boolean getFlipVertical()
      • setFlipVertical

        public void setFlipVertical​(boolean flip)
      • getRotation

        public double getRotation()
      • setRotation

        public void setRotation​(double theta)
      • isPlaceholder

        public boolean isPlaceholder()
      • getClientDataRecord

        public <T extends Record> T getClientDataRecord​(int recordType)
        Find a record in the underlying EscherClientDataRecord
        recordType - type of the record to search