Package org.apache.abdera
Class Abdera
This API is deprecated as Apache Abdera is a retired project since 2017.
The top level entry point for Abdera that provides access to various subcomponents. Upon creation, this class will
attempt to create singleton instances of each of the various subcomponents components. These instances may be
retrieved using the appropriate get___ methods. Alternatively, new instances may be created using the appropriate
new___ methods. Instances of the Abdera object, and it's direct children (Parser, Factory, XPath, etc) are
Threadsafe. Because of the dynamic configuration model Abdera uses, creating a new instance of the Abdera object can
be time consuming. It is, therefore, a good idea for applications to create only a single static instance of the
Abdera object (see the Abdera.getInstance() method). Abdera's configuration model depends heavily on the context
classloader. Extension Factories, custom writers, custom parsers, etc are all discovered automatically by searching
the classpath. This means that care needs to be taken when using Abdera in environments that utilize multiple
classloaders (such as Web application servers).
Constructor Summary
Deprecated.Initialize using the default Abdera ConfigurationAbdera
(Configuration config) Deprecated.Initialize using the specified Abdera Configuration -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDeprecated.Return the Abdera Configuration used to initialize this instanceDeprecated.Return the singleton instance of org.apache.abdera.factory.Factorystatic Abdera
Deprecated.Get a static instance of the Abdera object.static Factory
Deprecated.Return a new Factory instance using a non-shared Abdera objectstatic Parser
Deprecated.Return a new Parser instance using a non-shared Abdera objectstatic ParserFactory
Deprecated.Return a new ParserFactory instance using a non-shared Abdera objectstatic StreamWriter
Deprecated.Return a new instance of the default StreamWriter using a non-shared Abdera objectstatic Writer
Deprecated.Return a new instance of the default Writer using a non-shared Abdera objectstatic WriterFactory
Deprecated.Return a new WriterFactory instance using a non-shared Abdera objectstatic XPath
Deprecated.Return a new XPath instance using a non-shared Abdera objectDeprecated.Return the singleton instance of org.apache.abdera.parser.ParserDeprecated.Return the singleton instance of org.apache.abdera.parser.ParserFactory.Deprecated.Return the singleton instance of the default org.apache.abdera.writer.Writer implementation.Deprecated.Return the singleton instance of org.apache.abdera.writer.WriterFactory.getXPath()
Deprecated.Return the singleton instance of org.apache.abdera.xpath.XPathDeprecated.Create a new Categories instance.newEntry()
Deprecated.Create a new Entry instance.newFeed()
Deprecated.Create a new Feed instance.Deprecated.Create a new Service instance.Deprecated.Return a new instance of the default org.apache.abdera.writer.Writer
Constructor Details
public Abdera()Deprecated.Initialize using the default Abdera Configuration -
Deprecated.Initialize using the specified Abdera Configuration- Parameters:
- The Abdera Configuration to use
Method Details
Deprecated.Get a static instance of the Abdera object. -
Deprecated.Create a new Feed instance. This is a convenience shortcut forabdera.getFactory().newFeed()
- Returns:
- A newly created feed element
Deprecated.Create a new Entry instance. This is a convenience shortcut forabdera.getFactory().newEntry()
- Returns:
- A newly created entry element
Deprecated.Create a new Service instance. This is a convenience shortcut forabdera.getFactory().newService()
- Returns:
- A newly created service element
Deprecated.Create a new Categories instance. This is a convenience shortcut forabdera.getFactory().newCategories()
- Returns:
- A newly created categories element
Deprecated.Return the Abdera Configuration used to initialize this instance- Returns:
- The Abdera configuration
Deprecated.Return the singleton instance of org.apache.abdera.factory.Factory- Returns:
- The factory instance
Deprecated.Return the singleton instance of org.apache.abdera.parser.Parser- Returns:
- The parser instance
Deprecated.Return the singleton instance of org.apache.abdera.xpath.XPath- Returns:
- The XPath instance
Deprecated.Return the singleton instance of org.apache.abdera.parser.ParserFactory. The Parser Factory is used to acquire alternative parser implementation instances.- Returns:
- The ParserFactory instance
Deprecated.Return the singleton instance of org.apache.abdera.writer.WriterFactory. The Writer Factory is used to acquire alternative writer implementation instances.- Returns:
- The WriterFactory instance
Deprecated.Return the singleton instance of the default org.apache.abdera.writer.Writer implementation.- Returns:
- The default writer implementation
Deprecated.Return a new instance of the default org.apache.abdera.writer.Writer- Returns:
- A new default writer implementation instance
Deprecated.Return a new Factory instance using a non-shared Abdera object- Returns:
- A new factory instance
Deprecated.Return a new Parser instance using a non-shared Abdera object- Returns:
- A new parser instance
Deprecated.Return a new XPath instance using a non-shared Abdera object- Returns:
- A new XPath instance
Deprecated.Return a new ParserFactory instance using a non-shared Abdera object- Returns:
- A new ParserFactory instance
Deprecated.Return a new WriterFactory instance using a non-shared Abdera object- Returns:
- A new WriterFactory instance
Deprecated.Return a new instance of the default Writer using a non-shared Abdera object- Returns:
- A new default writer implementation instance
Deprecated.Return a new instance of the default StreamWriter using a non-shared Abdera object- Returns:
- A new default stream writer implementation instance