Class MapperConfigBase<CFG extends ConfigFeature,​T extends MapperConfigBase<CFG,​T>>

    • Method Detail

      • with

        public final T with​(MapperFeature... features)
        Fluent factory method that will construct and return a new configuration object instance with specified features enabled.
        Specified by:
        with in class MapperConfig<T extends MapperConfigBase<CFG,​T>>
      • without

        public final T without​(MapperFeature... features)
        Fluent factory method that will construct and return a new configuration object instance with specified features disabled.
        Specified by:
        without in class MapperConfig<T extends MapperConfigBase<CFG,​T>>
      • with

        public final T with​(DatatypeFeature feature)
        Fluent factory method that will return a configuration object instance with specified feature enabled: this may be this instance (if no changes effected), or a newly constructed instance.
      • withFeatures

        public final T withFeatures​(DatatypeFeature... features)
        Fluent factory method that will return a configuration object instance with specified features enabled: this may be this instance (if no changes effected), or a newly constructed instance.
      • without

        public final T without​(DatatypeFeature feature)
        Fluent factory method that will return a configuration object instance with specified feature disabled: this may be this instance (if no changes effected), or a newly constructed instance.
      • withoutFeatures

        public final T withoutFeatures​(DatatypeFeature... features)
        Fluent factory method that will return a configuration object instance with specified features disabled: this may be this instance (if no changes effected), or a newly constructed instance.
      • with

        public final T with​(DatatypeFeature feature,
                            boolean state)
        Fluent factory method that will construct and return a new configuration object instance with specified features disabled.
      • with

        public final T with​(AnnotationIntrospector ai)
        Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different AnnotationIntrospector to use (replacing old one).

        NOTE: make sure to register new instance with ObjectMapper if directly calling this method.

      • withAppendedAnnotationIntrospector

        public final T withAppendedAnnotationIntrospector​(AnnotationIntrospector ai)
        Method for constructing and returning a new instance with additional AnnotationIntrospector appended (as the lowest priority one)
      • withInsertedAnnotationIntrospector

        public final T withInsertedAnnotationIntrospector​(AnnotationIntrospector ai)
        Method for constructing and returning a new instance with additional AnnotationIntrospector inserted (as the highest priority one)
      • with

        public final T with​(ClassIntrospector ci)
        Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different ClassIntrospector to use.

        NOTE: make sure to register new instance with ObjectMapper if directly calling this method.

      • with

        public abstract T with​(ContextAttributes attrs)
        Method for constructing an instance that has specified contextual attributes.
      • withAttributes

        public T withAttributes​(java.util.Map<?,​?> attributes)
        Method for constructing an instance that has only specified attributes, removing any attributes that exist before the call.
      • withAttribute

        public T withAttribute​(java.lang.Object key,
                               java.lang.Object value)
        Method for constructing an instance that has specified value for attribute for given key.
      • withoutAttribute

        public T withoutAttribute​(java.lang.Object key)
        Method for constructing an instance that has no value for attribute for given key.
      • with

        public final T with​(TypeFactory tf)
        Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different TypeFactory to use.
      • with

        public final T with​(PropertyNamingStrategy pns)
        Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different PropertyNamingStrategy to use.

        NOTE: make sure to register new instance with ObjectMapper if directly calling this method.

      • with

        public final T with​(HandlerInstantiator hi)
        Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different HandlerInstantiator to use.

        NOTE: make sure to register new instance with ObjectMapper if directly calling this method.

      • with

        public final T with​(Base64Variant base64)
        Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different default Base64Variant to use with base64-encoded binary values.
      • with

        public T with​(java.text.DateFormat df)
        Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different DateFormat to use.

        NOTE: non-final since SerializationConfig needs to override this

      • with

        public final T with​(java.util.Locale l)
        Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different default Locale to use for formatting.
      • with

        public final T with​(java.util.TimeZone tz)
        Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different default TimeZone to use for formatting of date values.
      • withRootName

        public abstract T withRootName​(PropertyName rootName)
        Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different root name to use (none, if null).

        Note that when a root name is set to a non-Empty String, this will automatically force use of root element wrapping with given name. If empty String passed, will disable root name wrapping; and if null used, will instead use SerializationFeature to determine if to use wrapping, and annotation (or default name) for actual root name to use.

        rootName - to use: if null, means "use default" (clear setting); if empty String ("") means that no root name wrapping is used; otherwise defines root name to use.
      • withRootName

        public T withRootName​(java.lang.String rootName)
      • with

        public abstract T with​(SubtypeResolver str)
        Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different SubtypeResolver to use.

        NOTE: make sure to register new instance with ObjectMapper if directly calling this method.

      • withView

        public abstract T withView​(java.lang.Class<?> view)
        Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different view to use.
      • getRootName

        public final java.lang.String getRootName()
        Since 2.6 use getFullRootName() instead.
      • getFullRootName

        public final PropertyName getFullRootName()
      • getConfigOverride

        public final ConfigOverride getConfigOverride​(java.lang.Class<?> type)
        Description copied from class: MapperConfig
        Accessor for finding ConfigOverride to use for properties of given type, if any exist; or if none, return an immutable "empty" instance with no overrides.

        Note that only directly associated override is found; no type hierarchy traversal is performed.

        Specified by:
        getConfigOverride in class MapperConfig<T extends MapperConfigBase<CFG,​T>>
        Override object to use for the type, never null (but may be empty)
      • findConfigOverride

        public final ConfigOverride findConfigOverride​(java.lang.Class<?> type)
        Description copied from class: MapperConfig
        Accessor for finding ConfigOverride to use for properties of given type, if any exist; or return `null` if not.

        Note that only directly associated override is found; no type hierarchy traversal is performed.

        Specified by:
        findConfigOverride in class MapperConfig<T extends MapperConfigBase<CFG,​T>>
        Override object to use for the type, if defined; null if none.
      • getDefaultInclusion

        public final JsonInclude.Value getDefaultInclusion​(java.lang.Class<?> baseType,
                                                           java.lang.Class<?> propertyType)
        Description copied from class: MapperConfig
        Accessor for default property inclusion to use for serialization, considering possible per-type override for given base type and possible per-type override for given property type.
        NOTE: if no override found, defaults to value returned by MapperConfig.getDefaultPropertyInclusion().
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInclusion in class MapperConfig<T extends MapperConfigBase<CFG,​T>>
        baseType - Type of the instance containing the targeted property.
        propertyType - Type of the property to look up inclusion setting for.
      • getDefaultPropertyFormat

        public final JsonFormat.Value getDefaultPropertyFormat​(java.lang.Class<?> type)
        Description copied from class: MapperConfig
        Accessor for default format settings to use for serialization (and, to a degree deserialization), considering baseline settings and per-type defaults for given base type (if any).
        Specified by:
        getDefaultPropertyFormat in class MapperConfig<T extends MapperConfigBase<CFG,​T>>
      • getDefaultVisibilityChecker

        public final VisibilityChecker<?> getDefaultVisibilityChecker()
        Description copied from class: MapperConfig
        Accessor for object used for determining whether specific property elements (method, constructors, fields) can be auto-detected based on their visibility (access modifiers). Can be changed to allow different minimum visibility levels for auto-detection. Note that this is the global handler; individual types (classes) can further override active checker used (using JsonAutoDetect annotation)
        Specified by:
        getDefaultVisibilityChecker in class MapperConfig<T extends MapperConfigBase<CFG,​T>>
      • getDefaultMergeable

        public java.lang.Boolean getDefaultMergeable()
        Description copied from class: MapperConfig
        Accessor for the baseline merge info used as the global baseline, not considering possible per-type overrides.
        Specified by:
        getDefaultMergeable in class MapperConfig<T extends MapperConfigBase<CFG,​T>>
        Global base settings, if any; `null` if none.
      • getDefaultMergeable

        public java.lang.Boolean getDefaultMergeable​(java.lang.Class<?> baseType)
        Description copied from class: MapperConfig
        Accessor for the baseline merge info used for given type, including global defaults if no type-specific overrides defined.
        Specified by:
        getDefaultMergeable in class MapperConfig<T extends MapperConfigBase<CFG,​T>>
        Type-specific settings (if any); global defaults (same as MapperConfig.getDefaultMergeable()) otherwise, if any defined; or `null` if neither defined
      • findMixInClassFor

        public final java.lang.Class<?> findMixInClassFor​(java.lang.Class<?> cls)
        Method that will check if there are "mix-in" classes (with mix-in annotations) for given class
        Specified by:
        findMixInClassFor in interface ClassIntrospector.MixInResolver
      • mixInCount

        public final int mixInCount()
        Test-only method -- does not reflect possibly open-ended set that external mix-in resolver might provide.