Class Tailer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.AutoCloseable, java.lang.Runnable

    public class Tailer
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements java.lang.Runnable, java.lang.AutoCloseable
    Simple implementation of the UNIX "tail -f" functionality.

    To build an instance, see Tailer.Builder.

    1. Create a TailerListener implementation

    First you need to create a TailerListener implementation; (TailerListenerAdapter is provided for convenience so that you don't have to implement every method).

    For example:

     public class MyTailerListener extends TailerListenerAdapter {
         public void handle(String line) {

    2. Using a Tailer

    You can create and use a Tailer in one of three ways:

    An example of each is shown below.

    2.1 Using a Builder

     TailerListener listener = new MyTailerListener();
     Tailer tailer = Tailer.builder()

    2.2 Using an Executor

     TailerListener listener = new MyTailerListener();
     Tailer tailer = new Tailer(file, listener, delay);
     // stupid executor impl. for demo purposes
     Executor executor = new Executor() {
         public void execute(Runnable command) {

    2.3 Using a Thread

     TailerListener listener = new MyTailerListener();
     Tailer tailer = new Tailer(file, listener, delay);
     Thread thread = new Thread(tailer);
     thread.setDaemon(true); // optional

    3. Stopping a Tailer

    Remember to stop the tailer when you have done with it:


    4. Interrupting a Tailer

    You can interrupt the thread a tailer is running on by calling Thread.interrupt().


    If you interrupt a tailer, the tailer listener is called with the InterruptedException.

    The file is read using the default Charset; this can be overridden if necessary.

    2.0, 2.5 Updated behavior and documentation for Thread.interrupt()., 2.12.0 Add Tailer.Tailable and Tailer.RandomAccessResourceBridge interfaces to tail of files accessed using alternative libraries such as jCIFS or Apache Commons VFS.
    See Also:
    TailerListener, TailerListenerAdapter
    • Constructor Detail

      • Tailer

        public Tailer​( file,
                      java.nio.charset.Charset charset,
                      TailerListener listener,
                      long delayMillis,
                      boolean end,
                      boolean reOpen,
                      int bufSize)
        Creates a Tailer for the given file, with a specified buffer size.
        file - the file to follow.
        charset - the Charset to be used for reading the file
        listener - the TailerListener to use.
        delayMillis - the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
        end - Set to true to tail from the end of the file, false to tail from the beginning of the file.
        reOpen - if true, close and reopen the file between reading chunks
        bufSize - Buffer size
      • Tailer

        public Tailer​( file,
                      TailerListener listener)
        Creates a Tailer for the given file, starting from the beginning, with the default delay of 1.0s.
        file - The file to follow.
        listener - the TailerListener to use.
      • Tailer

        public Tailer​( file,
                      TailerListener listener,
                      long delayMillis)
        Creates a Tailer for the given file, starting from the beginning.
        file - the file to follow.
        listener - the TailerListener to use.
        delayMillis - the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
      • Tailer

        public Tailer​( file,
                      TailerListener listener,
                      long delayMillis,
                      boolean end)
        Creates a Tailer for the given file, with a delay other than the default 1.0s.
        file - the file to follow.
        listener - the TailerListener to use.
        delayMillis - the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
        end - Set to true to tail from the end of the file, false to tail from the beginning of the file.
      • Tailer

        public Tailer​( file,
                      TailerListener listener,
                      long delayMillis,
                      boolean end,
                      boolean reOpen)
        Creates a Tailer for the given file, with a delay other than the default 1.0s.
        file - the file to follow.
        listener - the TailerListener to use.
        delayMillis - the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
        end - Set to true to tail from the end of the file, false to tail from the beginning of the file.
        reOpen - if true, close and reopen the file between reading chunks
      • Tailer

        public Tailer​( file,
                      TailerListener listener,
                      long delayMillis,
                      boolean end,
                      boolean reOpen,
                      int bufferSize)
        Creates a Tailer for the given file, with a specified buffer size.
        file - the file to follow.
        listener - the TailerListener to use.
        delayMillis - the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
        end - Set to true to tail from the end of the file, false to tail from the beginning of the file.
        reOpen - if true, close and reopen the file between reading chunks
        bufferSize - Buffer size
      • Tailer

        public Tailer​( file,
                      TailerListener listener,
                      long delayMillis,
                      boolean end,
                      int bufferSize)
        Creates a Tailer for the given file, with a specified buffer size.
        file - the file to follow.
        listener - the TailerListener to use.
        delayMillis - the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
        end - Set to true to tail from the end of the file, false to tail from the beginning of the file.
        bufferSize - Buffer size
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static Tailer create​( file,
                                    java.nio.charset.Charset charset,
                                    TailerListener listener,
                                    long delayMillis,
                                    boolean end,
                                    boolean reOpen,
                                    int bufferSize)
        Creates and starts a Tailer for the given file.
        file - the file to follow.
        charset - the character set to use for reading the file.
        listener - the TailerListener to use.
        delayMillis - the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
        end - Set to true to tail from the end of the file, false to tail from the beginning of the file.
        reOpen - whether to close/reopen the file between chunks.
        bufferSize - buffer size.
        The new tailer.
      • create

        public static Tailer create​( file,
                                    TailerListener listener)
        Creates and starts a Tailer for the given file, starting at the beginning of the file with the default delay of 1.0s
        file - the file to follow.
        listener - the TailerListener to use.
        The new tailer.
      • create

        public static Tailer create​( file,
                                    TailerListener listener,
                                    long delayMillis)
        Creates and starts a Tailer for the given file, starting at the beginning of the file
        file - the file to follow.
        listener - the TailerListener to use.
        delayMillis - the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
        The new tailer.
      • create

        public static Tailer create​( file,
                                    TailerListener listener,
                                    long delayMillis,
                                    boolean end)
        Creates and starts a Tailer for the given file with default buffer size.
        file - the file to follow.
        listener - the TailerListener to use.
        delayMillis - the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
        end - Set to true to tail from the end of the file, false to tail from the beginning of the file.
        The new tailer.
      • create

        public static Tailer create​( file,
                                    TailerListener listener,
                                    long delayMillis,
                                    boolean end,
                                    boolean reOpen)
        Creates and starts a Tailer for the given file with default buffer size.
        file - the file to follow.
        listener - the TailerListener to use.
        delayMillis - the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
        end - Set to true to tail from the end of the file, false to tail from the beginning of the file.
        reOpen - whether to close/reopen the file between chunks.
        The new tailer.
      • create

        public static Tailer create​( file,
                                    TailerListener listener,
                                    long delayMillis,
                                    boolean end,
                                    boolean reOpen,
                                    int bufferSize)
        Creates and starts a Tailer for the given file.
        file - the file to follow.
        listener - the TailerListener to use.
        delayMillis - the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
        end - Set to true to tail from the end of the file, false to tail from the beginning of the file.
        reOpen - whether to close/reopen the file between chunks.
        bufferSize - buffer size.
        The new tailer.
      • create

        public static Tailer create​( file,
                                    TailerListener listener,
                                    long delayMillis,
                                    boolean end,
                                    int bufferSize)
        Creates and starts a Tailer for the given file.
        file - the file to follow.
        listener - the TailerListener to use.
        delayMillis - the delay between checks of the file for new content in milliseconds.
        end - Set to true to tail from the end of the file, false to tail from the beginning of the file.
        bufferSize - buffer size.
        The new tailer.
      • close

        public void close()
        Requests the tailer to complete its current loop and return.
        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
      • getDelay

        public long getDelay()
        Gets the delay in milliseconds.
        the delay in milliseconds.
      • getDelayDuration

        public java.time.Duration getDelayDuration()
        Gets the delay Duration.
        the delay Duration.
      • getFile

        public getFile()
        Gets the file.
        the file
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if constructed using a user provided Tailer.Tailable implementation
      • getTailable

        public Tailer.Tailable getTailable()
        Gets the Tailable.
        the Tailable
      • run

        public void run()
        Follows changes in the file, calling TailerListener.handle(String) with each new line.
        Specified by:
        run in interface java.lang.Runnable
      • stop

        public void stop()
        Use close().
        Requests the tailer to complete its current loop and return.