Class IntegerRange

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class IntegerRange
    extends NumberRange<java.lang.Integer>
    Specializes NumberRange for Integers.

    This class is not designed to interoperate with other NumberRanges

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static IntegerRange of​(int fromInclusive,
                                      int toInclusive)
        Creates a range with the specified minimum and maximum values (both inclusive).

        The range uses the natural ordering of the elements to determine where values lie in the range.

        The arguments may be passed in the order (min,max) or (max,min). The getMinimum and getMaximum methods will return the correct values.

        fromInclusive - the first value that defines the edge of the range, inclusive.
        toInclusive - the second value that defines the edge of the range, inclusive.
        the range object, not null.
      • of

        public static IntegerRange of​(java.lang.Integer fromInclusive,
                                      java.lang.Integer toInclusive)
        Creates a range with the specified minimum and maximum values (both inclusive).

        The range uses the natural ordering of the elements to determine where values lie in the range.

        The arguments may be passed in the order (min,max) or (max,min). The getMinimum and getMaximum methods will return the correct values.

        fromInclusive - the first value that defines the edge of the range, inclusive.
        toInclusive - the second value that defines the edge of the range, inclusive.
        the range object, not null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either element is null.