Class NoteStructureSubRecord

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.apache.poi.common.Duplicatable, GenericRecord

    public final class NoteStructureSubRecord
    extends SubRecord
    ftNts (0x000D)

    Represents a NoteStructure sub record.

    The docs say nothing about it. The length of this record is always 26 bytes.

    • Constructor Detail

      • NoteStructureSubRecord

        public NoteStructureSubRecord()
        Construct a new NoteStructureSubRecord and fill its data with the default values
      • NoteStructureSubRecord

        public NoteStructureSubRecord​(LittleEndianInput in,
                                      int size)
        Read the record data from the supplied RecordInputStream
        in - the input to read from
        size - the provided size - must be 22
      • NoteStructureSubRecord

        public NoteStructureSubRecord​(LittleEndianInput in,
                                      int size,
                                      int cmoOt)