Class AreaReference

  • public class AreaReference
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • AreaReference

        public AreaReference​(java.lang.String reference,
                             SpreadsheetVersion version)
        Create an area ref from a string representation. Sheet names containing special characters should be delimited and escaped as per normal syntax rules for formulas.
        The area reference must be contiguous (i.e. represent a single rectangle, not a union of rectangles)
    • Method Detail

      • isContiguous

        public static boolean isContiguous​(java.lang.String reference)
        Is the reference for a contiguous (i.e. unbroken) area, or is it made up of several different parts? (If it is, you will need to call generateContiguous(SpreadsheetVersion, String))
      • getWholeRow

        public static AreaReference getWholeRow​(SpreadsheetVersion version,
                                                java.lang.String start,
                                                java.lang.String end)
        Construct an AreaReference which spans one more rows
        version - Is the spreadsheet in format Excel97 or newer Excel versions
        start - The 1-based start-index of the rows
        end - The 1-based end-index of the rows
        An AreaReference that spans the given rows
      • getWholeColumn

        public static AreaReference getWholeColumn​(SpreadsheetVersion version,
                                                   java.lang.String start,
                                                   java.lang.String end)
        Construct an AreaReference which spans one more columns. Columns are specified in the Excel format, i.e. "A" is the first column "B" the seconds, ... "AA", ..
        version - Is the spreadsheet in format Excel97 or newer Excel versions
        start - The ABC-based start-index of the columns
        end - The ABC-based end-index of the columns
        An AreaReference that spans the given columns
      • isWholeColumnReference

        public static boolean isWholeColumnReference​(SpreadsheetVersion version,
                                                     CellReference topLeft,
                                                     CellReference botRight)
        Is the reference for a whole-column reference, such as C:C or D:G ?
      • generateContiguous

        public static AreaReference[] generateContiguous​(SpreadsheetVersion version,
                                                         java.lang.String reference)
        Takes a non-contiguous area reference, and returns an array of contiguous area references
        an array of contiguous area references.
      • isWholeColumnReference

        public boolean isWholeColumnReference()
      • isSingleCell

        public boolean isSingleCell()
        false if this area reference involves more than one cell
      • getFirstCell

        public CellReference getFirstCell()
        the first cell reference which defines this area. Usually this cell is in the upper left corner of the area (but this is not a requirement).
      • getLastCell

        public CellReference getLastCell()
        Note - if this area reference refers to a single cell, the return value of this method will be identical to that of getFirstCell()
        the second cell reference which defines this area. For multi-cell areas, this is cell diagonally opposite the 'first cell'. Usually this cell is in the lower right corner of the area (but this is not a requirement).
      • getAllReferencedCells

        public CellReference[] getAllReferencedCells()
        Returns a reference to every cell covered by this area
      • formatAsString

        public java.lang.String formatAsString()
        Returns a text representation of this area reference.

        Example return values:

        Example return values
        A1:A1Single cell area reference without sheet
        A1:$C$1Multi-cell area reference without sheet
        Sheet1!A$1:B4Standard sheet name
        'O''Brien''s Sales'!B5:C6' Sheet name with special characters
        the text representation of this area reference as it would appear in a formula.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object