Class AerospikeClient

  extended by com.aerospike.client.AerospikeClient
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class AerospikeClient
extends Object

Instantiate an AerospikeClient object to access an Aerospike database cluster and perform database operations.

This client is thread-safe. One client instance should be used per cluster. Multiple threads should share this cluster instance.

Your application uses this class API to perform database operations such as writing and reading records, and selecting sets of records. Write operations include specialized functionality such as append/prepend and arithmetic addition.

Each record may have multiple bins, unless the Aerospike server nodes are configured as "single-bin". In "multi-bin" mode, partial records may be written or read by specifying the relevant subset of bins.

Constructor Summary
AerospikeClient(ClientPolicy policy, Host... hosts)
          Initialize Aerospike client with suitable hosts to seed the cluster map.
AerospikeClient(ClientPolicy policy, String hostname, int port)
          Initialize Aerospike client.
AerospikeClient(String hostname, int port)
          Initialize Aerospike client.
Method Summary
 void add(WritePolicy policy, Key key, Bin... bins)
          Add integer bin values to existing record bin values.
 void append(WritePolicy policy, Key key, Bin... bins)
          Append bin string values to existing record bin values.
 void close()
          Close all client connections to database server nodes.
 IndexTask createIndex(Policy policy, String namespace, String setName, String indexName, String binName, IndexType indexType)
          Create secondary index.
 boolean delete(WritePolicy policy, Key key)
          Delete record for specified key.
 void dropIndex(Policy policy, String namespace, String setName, String indexName)
          Delete secondary index.
 Object execute(Policy policy, Key key, String packageName, String functionName, Value... args)
          Execute user defined function on server and return results.
 ExecuteTask execute(Policy policy, Statement statement, String packageName, String functionName, Value... functionArgs)
          Apply user defined function on records that match the statement filter.
 boolean exists(Policy policy, Key key)
          Determine if a record key exists.
 boolean[] exists(Policy policy, Key[] keys)
          Check if multiple record keys exist in one batch call.
 Record get(Policy policy, Key key)
          Read entire record for specified key.
 Record[] get(Policy policy, Key[] keys)
          Read multiple records for specified keys in one batch call.
 Record[] get(Policy policy, Key[] keys, String... binNames)
          Read multiple record headers and bins for specified keys in one batch call.
 Record get(Policy policy, Key key, String... binNames)
          Read record header and bins for specified key.
 Record getHeader(Policy policy, Key key)
          Read record generation and expiration only for specified key.
 Record[] getHeader(Policy policy, Key[] keys)
          Read multiple record header data for specified keys in one batch call.
 LargeList getLargeList(Policy policy, Key key, String binName, String userModule)
          Initialize large list operator.
 LargeMap getLargeMap(Policy policy, Key key, String binName, String userModule)
          Initialize large map operator.
 LargeSet getLargeSet(Policy policy, Key key, String binName, String userModule)
          Initialize large set operator.
 LargeStack getLargeStack(Policy policy, Key key, String binName, String userModule)
          Initialize large stack operator.
 List<String> getNodeNames()
          Return list of active server node names in the cluster.
 Node[] getNodes()
          Return array of active server nodes in the cluster.
 boolean isConnected()
          Determine if we are ready to talk to the database server cluster.
 Record operate(WritePolicy policy, Key key, Operation... operations)
          Perform multiple read/write operations on a single key in one batch call.
 void prepend(WritePolicy policy, Key key, Bin... bins)
          Prepend bin string values to existing record bin values.
 void put(WritePolicy policy, Key key, Bin... bins)
          Write record bin(s).
 RecordSet query(QueryPolicy policy, Statement statement)
          Execute query and return record iterator.
 ResultSet queryAggregate(QueryPolicy policy, Statement statement, String packageName, String functionName, Value... functionArgs)
          Execute query, apply statement's aggregation function, and return result iterator.
 RegisterTask register(Policy policy, String clientPath, String serverPath, Language language)
          Register package containing user defined functions with server.
 void scanAll(ScanPolicy policy, String namespace, String setName, ScanCallback callback, String... binNames)
          Read all records in specified namespace and set.
 void scanNode(ScanPolicy policy, Node node, String namespace, String setName, ScanCallback callback, String... binNames)
          Read all records in specified namespace and set for one node only.
 void scanNode(ScanPolicy policy, String nodeName, String namespace, String setName, ScanCallback callback, String... binNames)
          Read all records in specified namespace and set for one node only.
 void touch(WritePolicy policy, Key key)
          Create record if it does not already exist.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AerospikeClient(String hostname,
                       int port)
                throws AerospikeException
Initialize Aerospike client. If the host connection succeeds, the client will:

- Add host to the cluster map
- Request host's list of other nodes in cluster
- Add these nodes to cluster map

If the connection succeeds, the client is ready to process database requests. If the connection fails, the cluster will remain in a disconnected state until the server is activated.

hostname - host name
port - host port
AerospikeException - if host connection fails


public AerospikeClient(ClientPolicy policy,
                       String hostname,
                       int port)
                throws AerospikeException
Initialize Aerospike client. The client policy is used to set defaults and size internal data structures. If the host connection succeeds, the client will:

- Add host to the cluster map
- Request host's list of other nodes in cluster
- Add these nodes to cluster map

If the connection succeeds, the client is ready to process database requests. If the connection fails and the policy's failOnInvalidHosts is true, a connection exception will be thrown. Otherwise, the cluster will remain in a disconnected state until the server is activated.

policy - client configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
hostname - host name
port - host port
AerospikeException - if host connection fails


public AerospikeClient(ClientPolicy policy,
                       Host... hosts)
                throws AerospikeException
Initialize Aerospike client with suitable hosts to seed the cluster map. The client policy is used to set defaults and size internal data structures. For each host connection that succeeds, the client will:

- Add host to the cluster map
- Request host's list of other nodes in cluster
- Add these nodes to cluster map

In most cases, only one host is necessary to seed the cluster. The remaining hosts are added as future seeds in case of a complete network failure.

If one connection succeeds, the client is ready to process database requests. If all connections fail and the policy's failIfNotConnected is true, a connection exception will be thrown. Otherwise, the cluster will remain in a disconnected state until the server is activated.

policy - client configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
hosts - array of potential hosts to seed the cluster
AerospikeException - if all host connections fail
Method Detail


public final void close()
Close all client connections to database server nodes.


public final boolean isConnected()
Determine if we are ready to talk to the database server cluster.

true if cluster is ready, false if cluster is not ready


public final Node[] getNodes()
Return array of active server nodes in the cluster.

array of active nodes


public final List<String> getNodeNames()
Return list of active server node names in the cluster.

list of active node names


public final void put(WritePolicy policy,
                      Key key,
                      Bin... bins)
               throws AerospikeException
Write record bin(s). The policy specifies the transaction timeout, record expiration and how the transaction is handled when the record already exists.

policy - write configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
key - unique record identifier
bins - array of bin name/value pairs
AerospikeException - if write fails


public final void append(WritePolicy policy,
                         Key key,
                         Bin... bins)
                  throws AerospikeException
Append bin string values to existing record bin values. The policy specifies the transaction timeout, record expiration and how the transaction is handled when the record already exists. This call only works for string values.

policy - write configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
key - unique record identifier
bins - array of bin name/value pairs
AerospikeException - if append fails


public final void prepend(WritePolicy policy,
                          Key key,
                          Bin... bins)
                   throws AerospikeException
Prepend bin string values to existing record bin values. The policy specifies the transaction timeout, record expiration and how the transaction is handled when the record already exists. This call works only for string values.

policy - write configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
key - unique record identifier
bins - array of bin name/value pairs
AerospikeException - if prepend fails


public final void add(WritePolicy policy,
                      Key key,
                      Bin... bins)
               throws AerospikeException
Add integer bin values to existing record bin values. The policy specifies the transaction timeout, record expiration and how the transaction is handled when the record already exists. This call only works for integer values.

policy - write configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
key - unique record identifier
bins - array of bin name/value pairs
AerospikeException - if add fails


public final boolean delete(WritePolicy policy,
                            Key key)
                     throws AerospikeException
Delete record for specified key. The policy specifies the transaction timeout.

policy - delete configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
key - unique record identifier
whether record existed on server before deletion
AerospikeException - if delete fails


public final void touch(WritePolicy policy,
                        Key key)
                 throws AerospikeException
Create record if it does not already exist. If the record exists, the record's time to expiration will be reset to the policy's expiration.

policy - write configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
key - unique record identifier
AerospikeException - if touch fails


public final boolean exists(Policy policy,
                            Key key)
                     throws AerospikeException
Determine if a record key exists. The policy can be used to specify timeouts.

policy - generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
key - unique record identifier
whether record exists or not
AerospikeException - if command fails


public final boolean[] exists(Policy policy,
                              Key[] keys)
                       throws AerospikeException
Check if multiple record keys exist in one batch call. The returned boolean array is in positional order with the original key array order. The policy can be used to specify timeouts.

policy - generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
keys - array of unique record identifiers
array key/existence status pairs
AerospikeException - if command fails


public final Record get(Policy policy,
                        Key key)
                 throws AerospikeException
Read entire record for specified key. The policy can be used to specify timeouts.

policy - generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
key - unique record identifier
if found, return record instance. If not found, return null.
AerospikeException - if read fails


public final Record get(Policy policy,
                        Key key,
                        String... binNames)
                 throws AerospikeException
Read record header and bins for specified key. The policy can be used to specify timeouts.

policy - generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
key - unique record identifier
binNames - bins to retrieve
if found, return record instance. If not found, return null.
AerospikeException - if read fails


public final Record getHeader(Policy policy,
                              Key key)
                       throws AerospikeException
Read record generation and expiration only for specified key. Bins are not read. The policy can be used to specify timeouts.

policy - generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
key - unique record identifier
if found, return record instance. If not found, return null.
AerospikeException - if read fails


public final Record[] get(Policy policy,
                          Key[] keys)
                   throws AerospikeException
Read multiple records for specified keys in one batch call. The returned records are in positional order with the original key array order. If a key is not found, the positional record will be null. The policy can be used to specify timeouts.

policy - generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
keys - array of unique record identifiers
array of records
AerospikeException - if read fails


public final Record[] get(Policy policy,
                          Key[] keys,
                          String... binNames)
                   throws AerospikeException
Read multiple record headers and bins for specified keys in one batch call. The returned records are in positional order with the original key array order. If a key is not found, the positional record will be null. The policy can be used to specify timeouts.

policy - generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
keys - array of unique record identifiers
binNames - array of bins to retrieve
array of records
AerospikeException - if read fails


public final Record[] getHeader(Policy policy,
                                Key[] keys)
                         throws AerospikeException
Read multiple record header data for specified keys in one batch call. The returned records are in positional order with the original key array order. If a key is not found, the positional record will be null. The policy can be used to specify timeouts.

policy - generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
keys - array of unique record identifiers
array of records
AerospikeException - if read fails


public final Record operate(WritePolicy policy,
                            Key key,
                            Operation... operations)
                     throws AerospikeException
Perform multiple read/write operations on a single key in one batch call. An example would be to add an integer value to an existing record and then read the result, all in one database call.

Write operations are always performed first, regardless of operation order relative to read operations.

policy - write configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
key - unique record identifier
operations - database operations to perform
record if there is a read in the operations list
AerospikeException - if command fails


public final void scanAll(ScanPolicy policy,
                          String namespace,
                          String setName,
                          ScanCallback callback,
                          String... binNames)
                   throws AerospikeException
Read all records in specified namespace and set. If the policy's concurrentNodes is specified, each server node will be read in parallel. Otherwise, server nodes are read in series.

This call will block until the scan is complete - callbacks are made within the scope of this call.

policy - scan configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
namespace - namespace - equivalent to database name
setName - optional set name - equivalent to database table
callback - read callback method - called with record data
binNames - optional bin to retrieve. All bins will be returned if not specified. Aerospike 2 servers ignore this parameter.
AerospikeException - if scan fails


public final void scanNode(ScanPolicy policy,
                           String nodeName,
                           String namespace,
                           String setName,
                           ScanCallback callback,
                           String... binNames)
                    throws AerospikeException
Read all records in specified namespace and set for one node only. The node is specified by name.

This call will block until the scan is complete - callbacks are made within the scope of this call.

policy - scan configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
nodeName - server node name
namespace - namespace - equivalent to database name
setName - optional set name - equivalent to database table
callback - read callback method - called with record data
binNames - optional bin to retrieve. All bins will be returned if not specified. Aerospike 2 servers ignore this parameter.
AerospikeException - if scan fails


public final void scanNode(ScanPolicy policy,
                           Node node,
                           String namespace,
                           String setName,
                           ScanCallback callback,
                           String... binNames)
                    throws AerospikeException
Read all records in specified namespace and set for one node only.

This call will block until the scan is complete - callbacks are made within the scope of this call.

policy - scan configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
node - server node
namespace - namespace - equivalent to database name
setName - optional set name - equivalent to database table
callback - read callback method - called with record data
binNames - optional bin to retrieve. All bins will be returned if not specified. Aerospike 2 servers ignore this parameter.
AerospikeException - if transaction fails


public final LargeList getLargeList(Policy policy,
                                    Key key,
                                    String binName,
                                    String userModule)
Initialize large list operator. This operator can be used to create and manage a list within a single bin.

This method is only supported by Aerospike 3 servers.

policy - generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
key - unique record identifier
binName - bin name
userModule - Lua function name that initializes list configuration parameters, pass null for default


public final LargeMap getLargeMap(Policy policy,
                                  Key key,
                                  String binName,
                                  String userModule)
Initialize large map operator. This operator can be used to create and manage a map within a single bin.

This method is only supported by Aerospike 3 servers.

policy - generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
key - unique record identifier
binName - bin name
userModule - Lua function name that initializes list configuration parameters, pass null for default


public final LargeSet getLargeSet(Policy policy,
                                  Key key,
                                  String binName,
                                  String userModule)
Initialize large set operator. This operator can be used to create and manage a set within a single bin.

This method is only supported by Aerospike 3 servers.

policy - generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
key - unique record identifier
binName - bin name
userModule - Lua function name that initializes list configuration parameters, pass null for default


public final LargeStack getLargeStack(Policy policy,
                                      Key key,
                                      String binName,
                                      String userModule)
Initialize large stack operator. This operator can be used to create and manage a stack within a single bin.

This method is only supported by Aerospike 3 servers.

policy - generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
key - unique record identifier
binName - bin name
userModule - Lua function name that initializes list configuration parameters, pass null for default


public final RegisterTask register(Policy policy,
                                   String clientPath,
                                   String serverPath,
                                   Language language)
                            throws AerospikeException
Register package containing user defined functions with server. This asynchronous server call will return before command is complete. The user can optionally wait for command completion by using the returned RegisterTask instance.

This method is only supported by Aerospike 3 servers.

policy - generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
clientPath - path of client file containing user defined functions, relative to current directory
serverPath - path to store user defined functions on the server, relative to configured script directory.
language - language of user defined functions
AerospikeException - if register fails


public final Object execute(Policy policy,
                            Key key,
                            String packageName,
                            String functionName,
                            Value... args)
                     throws AerospikeException
Execute user defined function on server and return results. The function operates on a single record. The package name is used to locate the udf file location:

udf file = /.lua

This method is only supported by Aerospike 3 servers.

policy - generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
key - unique record identifier
packageName - server package name where user defined function resides
functionName - user defined function
args - arguments passed in to user defined function
return value of user defined function
AerospikeException - if transaction fails


public final ExecuteTask execute(Policy policy,
                                 Statement statement,
                                 String packageName,
                                 String functionName,
                                 Value... functionArgs)
                          throws AerospikeException
Apply user defined function on records that match the statement filter. Records are not returned to the client. This asynchronous server call will return before command is complete. The user can optionally wait for command completion by using the returned ExecuteTask instance.

This method is only supported by Aerospike 3 servers.

policy - scan configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
statement - record filter
packageName - server package where user defined function resides
functionName - function name
functionArgs - to pass to function name, if any
AerospikeException - if command fails


public final RecordSet query(QueryPolicy policy,
                             Statement statement)
                      throws AerospikeException
Execute query and return record iterator. The query executor puts records on a queue in separate threads. The calling thread concurrently pops records off the queue through the record iterator.

This method is only supported by Aerospike 3 servers.

policy - generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
statement - database query command
record iterator
AerospikeException - if query fails


public final ResultSet queryAggregate(QueryPolicy policy,
                                      Statement statement,
                                      String packageName,
                                      String functionName,
                                      Value... functionArgs)
                               throws AerospikeException
Execute query, apply statement's aggregation function, and return result iterator. The query executor puts results on a queue in separate threads. The calling thread concurrently pops results off the queue through the result iterator.

The aggregation function is called on both server and client (final reduce). Therefore, the Lua script files must also reside on both server and client. The package name is used to locate the udf file location:

udf file = /.lua

This method is only supported by Aerospike 3 servers.

policy - generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
statement - database query command
packageName - server package where user defined function resides
functionName - aggregation function name
functionArgs - arguments to pass to function name, if any
result iterator
AerospikeException - if query fails


public final IndexTask createIndex(Policy policy,
                                   String namespace,
                                   String setName,
                                   String indexName,
                                   String binName,
                                   IndexType indexType)
                            throws AerospikeException
Create secondary index. This asynchronous server call will return before command is complete. The user can optionally wait for command completion by using the returned IndexTask instance.

This method is only supported by Aerospike 3 servers.

policy - generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
namespace - namespace - equivalent to database name
setName - optional set name - equivalent to database table
indexName - name of secondary index
binName - bin name that data is indexed on
indexType - type of secondary index
AerospikeException - if index create fails


public final void dropIndex(Policy policy,
                            String namespace,
                            String setName,
                            String indexName)
                     throws AerospikeException
Delete secondary index. This method is only supported by Aerospike 3 servers.

policy - generic configuration parameters, pass in null for defaults
namespace - namespace - equivalent to database name
setName - optional set name - equivalent to database table
indexName - name of secondary index
AerospikeException - if index create fails

Copyright © 2012–2014 Aerospike, Inc. All rights reserved.