Interface ScanCallback

public interface ScanCallback

An object implementing this interface is passed in scan() calls, so the caller can be notified with scan results.

Method Summary
 void scanCallback(Key key, Record record)
          This method will be called for each record returned from a scan.

Method Detail


void scanCallback(Key key,
                  Record record)
                  throws AerospikeException
This method will be called for each record returned from a scan. The user may throw a AerospikeException.ScanTerminated exception if the scan should be aborted. If any exception is thrown, parallel scan threads to other nodes will also be terminated and the exception will be propagated back through the initiating scan call.

Multiple threads will likely be calling scanCallback in parallel. Therefore, your scanCallback implementation should be thread safe.

key - unique record identifier
record - container for bins and record meta-data
AerospikeException - if error occurs or scan should be terminated.

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